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Dually Engine \  No brake light but third brake light still

No brake light but third brake light still

Dually Engine Dually Tech
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bagged dually   +1y

I back my truck up to a big reflective window on a near by business and tried about anything on the column I could to get the lights to work with no luck. I tried messing with the hazards, blinkers, smacking different areas of the column, and ever tried tilting the wheel up and down in different positions and nothing worked. I think I'm just gunna have to bite the bullet and order the new multi switch from rock auto for 100 bucks. A lot better than $200 at my local Vatozone.

I tried my local salvage yard and those guys think everything they have is golden. My headlight switch was only $43 brand new. They had one that was in a truck with no doors or windows so it had been rained and snowed on. They wouldn't give me a warranty or garantee on the part and they wanted $38 LOL. The multi switch would be out of the same truck. Not sure why their so high. Makes me wonder how they even stay in business.
krewzlo   +1y
Ebay has them for 49.95. I know the quality isnt as good but better than dropping a hundred if you are not 100% sure that is it.

Also try It is a junk yard search and can find a bone yard that will ship one to ya.
mobboss   +1y
ok before you spend alot of money. take a 12 volt batt to the back of your truck and manually make your brake lights work. i use to be a mechanic, and have seen some really odd crap. so just humor yourself and make sure they will come on.
bagged dually   +1y

I'll try that first thing in the morning and see what happens.

Thanks for the site on the salvage yards. Might come in handy. I'm yet to find a good one in my area. The eBay part is way better than double that if I put it in and it doesn't fix the issue.
mobboss   +1y
well howd you do???? got me curious now???
bagged dually   +1y
I got a new multifunction switch installed and a new headlight and still no brake lights. I've regrounded and checked all of the grounds and their all good. I even took this goofy thing to into the school I go to and let the mechanic teacher take a stab at it. After an hour he handed me a wiring schematic of the truck and told me good luck lol. Before I installed the multi switch I wasn't getting any power at all to the rear harness anytime. Now when I hit the pedal with both tail light assemblies unhooked I get 12 volts. As soon as I plug either light in I lose all power to the wire though. I can't figure it out. I plugged the light assembly directly to the battery and both lights work great. I've even cleaned all of the grounds under the hood. I have no idea what to do next.
mobboss   +1y
ok well now here is where its going to get difficult. love your teacher, (loser)he became one cause he did not want or could not keep up! im thinkin you have a short to are goung to have to test the power wires in a continuity test. youll prob find a junction box or a wire has rubbed thur.and is grounding out.
bagged dually   +1y
I'm getting ready to go take another stab at it. I'll try to run some continuity tests and see what I come up with.
Ya that teacher was a joke. I'm sooo glad that's not my teacher.
mobboss   +1y
good luck! let me know if i can help!
bagged dually   +1y
Alright I just figured it out and as I thought it was going to be at this point in the game it turned out to be something simple I had over looked. I spent about 3 hours on it this morning running tests on every single wire in the brake light system. It ended up being the wire between the relay under hood and the multi function switch. It must have just had a tiny burnt spot in it. I just ran a new wire inside the factory wire loom and it's working great now.

Thanks for all the help everyone.