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General Discussion \  Hello All! Kam Here

Hello All! Kam Here

General Discussion
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jacob_tamblin   +1y
Why? why the MLP? why the rattle can done so badly? why continue to dig this hole you've dug? If this is the path this truck is on go ahead and set it on fire.
kam   +1y

> Because I am having fun, with a cheap vehicle that would otherwise be just for function.

Why the MLP?
>Because I am a massive homo.
>Well, that and I watch MLP, write fanfiction, and go to MLP related conventions, and intend to use this vehicle to >go to those conventions in style.

WHy the rattle can done so badly?
> Well... I didn't want it to rust. I'm going to sand it all down soon and repaint.

Why continue to dig this hole you've dug?
>What hole could I possibly be digging? I seem to have incedentally rustled a few jimmies with my rather effeminate truck moddin' project, but otherwise I don't seem to be digging any holes.
mymmeryloss   +1y
I think u answered the question we all wanted to ask...

jiffyzx6   +1y
You keep asking any questions you have about
jacob_tamblin   +1y

1)Your sexuality has nothing to do with this. I have plenty of gay friends who aren't into shows that are written for little girls. Being gay doesn't mean you identify with everything feminine.

2)The paint that was on the truck seemed to be just fine in the pictures. Especially since even the clear coat on your horizontal surfaces looks good. So rust doesn't seem to be an issue. (Bc paint and clear coat prevent rust better that shitty rattle can paint.) It looks like you got lazy and rather than removing the 8 or so screws that hold the grill in you just over-sprayed on it.

3)You have been, and seem to continue, to dig a hole. You ask for help or people's opinion and when you receive negative feedback you bitch. Your work seems to be mediocre at best (from what you've posted thus far). Don't ask for opinions on crap work and then get upset when someone calls you out on it.

If you love MLP then who gives a shit. But pour that love into the truck that is supposed to represent that passion and people will, at the very least, appreciate the blood, sweat, and tears that you've put into it. Or keep posting rattle canned, over-spray riddled, MLP crap and keep digging that hole I was talking about.
kam   +1y
I forgot to mention one other thing:

I don't really have any money. Not enough to spend on a lot of things anyway.

Perhaps I am not seeing where I was asking for people's opinions about my paint
I know my paint work is shitty. I'm too poor to do anything better right now. Also, I work in the city. Shit happens to perfect looking vehicles.

This is going to take me a few years.

Anyway, I'm resolved to no longer respond to anyone giving me shit. So, lay it on jackasses.
But one day, some day. This truck is going to look nice
and be done up nice.

anyway. Thanks for the support, buddy.

fdugn545   +1y

Story of my life! And I'm glad you've decided to not let people get u down bro. I've never had anyone give me problems on this site and any lil things that I may have been bothered by I don't let bug me. Just keep on posting man.

kam   +1y
Yeah. I'll do that.
Also, I'm going to steal your color scheme, but white instead of the grey.
I like how that looks.
spacemonkee23   +1y
Welcome to the scene. I see a lot of criticism here and I'm glad you aren't effected by it. Do what you want to do with YOUR truck. As long as you like it, is all that really matters.

Having said that, I have Rattle Canned my truck numerous times in the 10 years I've had it, back in HS I even painted a Huge Aquabat on the hood. (it was a band I followed for a while around the SoCal O.C. area) I got a lot of shit for it because of what it was, but I took my time on it and did it right. I LOVED IT!
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On to what I came here for. Make sure when you do paint the truck properly you take shit off and mask everything up. all you really need to do is scuff up the paint/whatever you are painting with a scotch brite pad (brillo pad) make sure you brillo off the old rattle can if you didn't prep the original paint first, and stay out of the wind when you spray too, here is the most recent time I rattled it. Using flat paint will help for less spray lines. Since I have a lot of rattle can hours under my belt I went with a semi gloss this time. took me about 13 hours with prep and R&R. I like how it turned out, and you will too if you do it well.
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Keep up what you are doing and make sure you take your time on things. It can look really good if you put the effort into it.
Here is the current finished rattle can job.
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Oh, and my daughter loves MLP and rarity is her favorite. I will definately be showing her pics of your truck as you progress with it. Good luck and keep the pics rolling!
kam   +1y

Well. Summer Draws to a close, and so does the bank account. So I am afraid I won't be able to touch the mazda for a long while. Or improve it in any way. but here is how she looks right now (paint on windows was scraped off post photographing)
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