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General Discussion \  too low??? minitruckin mag

too low??? minitruckin mag

General Discussion
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replies 43
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projekt94 (david)   +1y
your truck kicks ass man!! leavit low! the lower the better!!
sierrax   +1y

I'm sure that most have you have read this before, but its what I rember every time someone asks me, "why'd you do that", or "its so impractical" or about a million other things. Cuz I can fuckers.

Your truck is killer man. People don't understand the time and engineering it takes to build something like that (finished or not). You took something from your mind and built it. The world would be a pretty boring place if everyone did the same as the person next to them.
blare   +1y

This is a little pet peeve of mine. No one on here and 99.9% of minitruckers have ever engineered shiat. They fabricated it. There is a big difference. Sorry for the hijack.
stl2hi   +1y
im not hatin on chad for writing that but i dont agree with him
first of all to me there is no such thing as too low... hints the name lowrider.
i mean cmon your truck is fuckin sweet.
and second, its those kind of people that want to be the first to shake your hand when its finished.

good luck with it
sierrax   +1y

Would love to know your logic on this. Engineering is the thought process before anything is made and fabrication is the process of actually making the product.
blare   +1y
Engineering is the application of scientific and technical knowledge to solve human problems. Engineers use imagination, judgment and reasoning to apply science, technology, mathematics, and practical experience. The result is the design, production, and operation of useful objects or processes.

Fabrication, when used as an industrial term, applies to the building of machines and structures by cutting, shaping and assembling components made from raw materials. Small businesses that specialize in metal are called fab shops.

Besides geometry and a little simple math. What else have minitruckers used to build a truck? What other scientific knowledge has been applied? Do you know the tensile strength of that 4 link bar? Or how the chassis is going to react to an impact? Maybe my idea of engineering is alot more complicated than yours, but if you think that this is engineering then almost everything can be. Then that 5 year old with a lego set sure has engineered a lot of things. And I doubt anyone on here has the right to claim that they are a mechanical engineer. Just my 2 cents.
thetornado   +1y
blare wins!!! ha. i agree though, unless you have graduated college with an engineering degree you arent an engineer, nor can you "engineer" something.

lets be real, minitruckers are fabricaters. which is cool in my book!
joshbrennan   +1y
I agree with SierraX.

I am currently in school for mechanical engineering and I would consider some of the things mini truckers do to be a basic form of engineering.

Just because a person may not know what the name of the principles they are applying when they are set up their 4-link does not mean they aren't using those principles and that they did not go through the person's head. That 'geometry and simple math' that blare says mini truckers do is engineering in a very simple form.

The idea that you need to go to a school and get a formal education in order to engineer something is totally not true. You can get all sorts of engineering experience just by fabricating things. Knowing that you need to put a gusset in a certain area or adding that one crossmember is also engineering in a simple form. Knowing the closer you put your front bags to the frame, the more lift you get is an engineering principle, a very obvious one, but still engineering.

Engineering is a broad field and I am sure most mini truckers haven't a clue when it comes to knowing how their chassis is going to react to an impact but that doesnt mean they don't know a little about the engineering of their suspension.
sierrax   +1y
I have graduated from mechanical engineering design but I did not persue it as career. I totally agree with joshbrennan, it may be a basic form but its still engineering.

Hummmm....... So what about the grade of bolts, GA of metal, weight, placement, tubing size, lenght, torque, wear, safety??? And what about the people who design our cars? Are they not engineers or are they fabricators?

I'm not saying that every minitrucker is an engineer. What they are doing when they create suspension systems, BD, whatever, is engineering it and then fabricating it (sometimes both at the same time). They are doing the act of engineering even though they do not have a degree.

Just my opinion.
blare   +1y
I will give yall that, but thats putting everyone on the same level. So yea I sing in the shower, but does that put me on the same level of singing as a international superstar? I read the news, so does that make me an International Relations expert. Or if I can plug a ethernet cable into the back of a computer does that make me a an IT guy?

The line has to be drawn somewhere. If we are going to accept basic skills as a qualifer to a title then everyone is going to have a hundred titles.