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General Discussion \  too low??? minitruckin mag

too low??? minitruckin mag

General Discussion
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replies 43
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schreff   +1y
Your never TO LOW. Its all in your own opinion.
stl2hi   +1y
the fact is, engineering stuff doesnt have instructions and it can't be ordered out of a catalog. so very few people can say they have engineered something.
fanninator   +1y
i just got my issue in the mail and im looking at it it just me or is that the suicide doors bolt on body drop s10? what fuckwads...-bf
maztang (ryan)   +1y
yeah just got mine in, wish they would have got more pics of that 87 b2200. i guess that you are talking about page 88? i love the 91 hardbody.. freakin badass!
Post was last edited on Sep 06, 2006 03:09. This post has been edited 1 times.
fanninator   +1y
88 is compressor the october issue? -bf
carolinasled   +1y
that article really pissed me off, from PATHERFRAME himself, so when does a frame hit the pages of a mag??? wheres the rest of the "MINITRUCKIN" at???? wheres the body huh??? a buddy and i where talkin about callim him out on ssm, where does he get that the mazda was too low??? how about that nissan sittin doorhandles, i would be even more pissed off if i had done all the hard work, sweat and tears into building a lowass truck and then someone who cant figure out what else to do to a pathfinder post that shit in the mags and says his opinion about it.... i wish mike finneagan was still the man in the mag. screw lucas, this is one reason i'm not minitruckin anymore, where's the scene gone....... HUH!!!!!

i'm not sorry to any of you guys who like this retard,

i'm sorry to the man who built a coolass weekend cruiser from the east coast puttin it down........
maztang (ryan)   +1y

oh, my fault i thought you were talking about the s10 in the nov. issue. it just came in today.
maztang (ryan)   +1y

hey bro i am with you but at the same time you can't base everything off of the opinion of 1 idiot. look at lowriders, those things are radical in their own way and you still have people taking shit about them but the scene stays strong. those guys that built those trucks put a lot of time into building the ride that they wanted, so i give much respect for that. you just can't listen to all of the b.s. that is going to be said later. what is sweet to one dude is not going to be sweet to everyone else, so for lucas to write what he wrote is pretty shitty to those guys that spent their time and money building the rides that they wanted. just my 2 cents.
hutch75   +1y
IMO to each is own, I may not personaly do that to my truck, But I respect all the time and hard work you put into. Bigs thumbs up the truck does look good though . See when I first got into lowriders is was not the cool thing to do where I came from at the time, and we took alot of shit from everyone about what we did to our trucks. They told us back then when we scraped reflectors off the road we where to low. So just do you and F@#k everyone else. As far as the mag I would call and ask them why you didnt have to sign a consent form for them to use your picture. MY @ cents.
mazdamandan   +1y
yeh I read that article too, I agree with Maztang though,
I am the only minitrucker in town never mind lowered truck driver where I live, I get crap all of the time.