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General Discussion \  Starting Mini-Truck Business?

Starting Mini-Truck Business?

General Discussion
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replies 32
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baggedb22   +1y
ic 600 a month isn't bad for it, if u had a couple reliable people to split it up with..
lowblownranger   +1y
well im about to sell my mustang to come up with the first months rent but i wanna find prolly 2 more ppl to split it with that i can trust
devb22   +1y
Good idea!

TRUST is key in any relationship!

grantkustoms   +1y
Just so you know have at least 10,000 in savings before you start anything. You need enough money to last 6 months or more just incase it does not take off.
fantomrush   +1y
I agree with Matt about the savings. You won't be making any money at all for the first few months. A lot of your money will go to setup and some inventory. If you have a garage at home to work out of until you get your name out there, thats a good way to go until you get busy enough you need more space.

You need to make a name for yourself. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising. It's free and if it's good you will get most of your clients that way.

The best way to do that is do awesome work and provide services that other may not provide or provide with great quality.

Fabricating your own parts will make you the most money. Especially if you're making something no one else does or is hard to get. If you have the equipment or hook ups to make custom parts you will be good to go. I have access to a waterjet and CNC laser. It's easy for me to get stuff cut. It cost me money to get it, but it's not that expensive.

I also agree with not catering to just Mini trucks. Opening it to Hotrods and Tuners would also be a good idea. Even maybe have a chasis dyno if you have the space and budget for one. You can make good money on a dyno alone with the support and know how to tune vehicles.

On the trust issue... I learned to never go into business with anyone you consider a good friend. There is a good chance you won't be friends if it doesn't take off. When I walked away from the shop I started with my friends I was supposed to get back some of what I invested in it. I got an insurance settlement and used 12k of it help get things going. Its been 6 years since I've walked away. I havn't gotten any compensation. One of my friends decided it wasn't for him and he started a family and jumped back into the employment pool. The other friend open another shop that is becoming somewhat successful. As soon as I know he has the funds to back up a lawsuit I'm going after him for the money he owes me from the previous shop. Not sure if I will get anything, but I still have all the paper work, check stub, and the agreement signed by all 3 of us.
pjsbird   +1y
Ive been thinking of setting up something similar In vancouver here. The only problem is my age, and lack of experiance.

Im only 21, But im a registered welder. I would need to find someone with alot of customizing experiance. I know how to fabricate and customize ( i have an 89 thuinderbird ive done out myself) but it would be nice to find someone who knows a bit of upholstry, and body work (2 things i know nothing about)

I have no problem with tuners and other cars and trucks, it wouldnt be mini truck specific. Its just a matter of getting a little more experiance under my belt...
baggedb22   +1y
Justin, if you serious and u would want i would be in on it too!
valiant   +1y
this has always been something i have wanted to do since I was real little. My problem is the same as pjsbird, I am only 19, no real documented experience. I exceld in welding in highschool, but dropped out before I could finish the class (im working on a diploma now). The few cars I have done body work on turned out real nice. I am interested in mainly body work and painting, I would like to do suspension work but its a little harder to sell to average joe. But I figured I would do my b2000, my valiant and another car/truck and start showing them off, showing what I am capable of and maybe people would ask for stuff and I could start that way.
I am also getting into fiberglass sub woofer boxes and wiring and stuff, I have had a few people ask me to wire systems into thier cars. I dont know what it is about cars/trucks that calms me down, but I get bored very fast but with cars I can work on them 24/7 and it would never get dull, when I get bored, I start thinking about what I could be doing to my truck or to my car, its sad really.

but something else that no one has mentioned is INSURANCE. make sure you get a good policy becuase if you work on someone's car, the drive off into the sunset and a week later you get served with papers becuase something brake and cuased an accident, or they "thought" you were going to do something different from the quote or they said you said you would include it but you didnt. it is always good to have.

and matt is right. A few months ago, I almost started a BBQ restuarant, specializing in smoked, real smoked, ribs and briskett, but the start up was way too much and my rent would have been 1700 a month, cost of food would have been about 700+ a month. I just couldnt get a loan to start one, with the BBQ rest. we have around here, I would make a killing once someone tasted the food, I love to smoke meat for back yard BBQ's and people are alwasy saying "you should open up a rest somewhere." You also have to understand that for the first year or two, you wont be taking much money home with you, most of it will go into your bussiness trying to make it better.

And make sure you do your taxes monthly not annually, that way you will pay a nice low amount each month instead of a huge amount at the end of the year.

my parents are looking into helping me start a restuarant, but my father would help me on weekends and my mother would waitress when my sister couldnt work, we all cook/wait in my grandmother's restuarant, but German food gets old after awhile of cooking where BBQ is simple, not as fancy or gourmet. I even had a name and logo drawn up.

but if it came between a custom shop or a restuarant, I would love to work on cars more then cook 7 days a week.

if you do start a bussiness, all the best to you and I hope you do well,
I wish rent on the northwestcoast was as cheap as it is in PN, as 4 stall shop would run here about 5-6k a month.
baha   +1y
I think it would be valuable to you to take some business classes at a local college. Mainly Accounting & Management.

Good luck on your venture!
lowblownranger   +1y
well what r u doing tomm... we can go meet withthe guy that wants his truck bagged and we can talk about the shop thing then.. i wanna make sure hes loosing it for sure.. the kid wants the truck bagged after motorama get back to me then i posted some pics of faith on here shes skinny now youll have to checkem out shell be a tuner wars modeling