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General Discussion \  Does anyone know?

Does anyone know?

General Discussion
views 2814
replies 24
following 8
nytrdr24   +1y
does anyone know a way to contact The Little Shop of Horrors, they are located close to lawrenceburg, tn (leoma) to be exact, i have looked high & low for a #, but no luck......i was contemplating getting them to do some of my body work, maybe paint job.....

thx nyt!
pont   +1y


try that
nytrdr24   +1y
thanks boss...i just don't have room in my garage to do the body work the way i would like, and most bodyshops want your ride running before they will mess with it, i don't see the point of putting it half together just for them to take it apart again to do what i want.....
maztang (ryan)   +1y
do they use lead or bondo? i am thinking about trying to teach myself how to use lead when i get moved into my house.
gravity5   +1y
Lead is great, but poisonous as all hell...there nore now body solders that are less harmfull, EASTWOOD SELLS EM>
immortal1 (linn)   +1y
Been dealing with Eastwood for a while now - great products with excellent customer service & shipping. As an environmental contractor I can't say enough about using pure lead - just don't!!! If it starts to fume bad things will happen.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
wow, i knew it was bad but i guess it is real bad. haha. i went to eastwoods site and what should i use? the metal2metal stuff or what? we use this stuff at work that we call metal set, and i guess that it is about the same thing.
pont   +1y

there yea go
nytrdr24   +1y

don't know if they do or not, but they have turned out some of the sickest rides here lately, & since i'm not the body expert, i'd rather pay to get it done right the first time, instead of me trying to do it & ruining a good body/paint job & cost myself a wad of cash in doing so.....i can do the shaving of stuff, and some of the prep work, but other than that, i'd be willing to learn, don't know fully yet whether i'll get them to or someone else......

now on the lead, yes it is bad stuff, heavy metal, and your body can't get rid of it....we have to take lead abatement classes here when we hire in, as there is some in the plant in the old paint, there is also asbestos, neither one is good to be around for any length of suggestion about he lead, make sure you have extra good ventilation & don't breath in the fumes!
hocbj23   +1y
Lead causes brain damage,and most of us here have little enough to go around anyway.Stay away from solder,lead based paint or anything else with heavy metals like lead.They are killers.BJ