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General Discussion \  Does anyone know?

Does anyone know?

General Discussion
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southernrazed   +1y
The die first.... Ye@ go With the new @ge S@ ulder..i know my busted Keybord to be getting @nnoying by now
nytrdr24   +1y
^^might try a little solder to fix it lol haha!
maztang (ryan)   +1y

yeah, i have seen some of their work and they do some awesome stuff. i was just curious what they used. i watched a guy on boyd coddingtons show using lead, and i always heard that it was bad, but when i saw him using it, it got me thinking maybe it wasn't that bad. but after reading all the posts....uh, no thanks. haha. i am going to try that stuff from that eastwood web site.
immortal1 (linn)   +1y

Now your talkin my language Have been an asbestos and lead abatement contractor for almost 16 years now. Asbestos takes 15-30 years before it will get you. To much lead and you might not last a week (tough to get that much lead though without trying really hard, but you get the idea). One thing to be said though... lead effects those 5 and under alot more than those 25 and older.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
ok i am now curious about this...

at work we have forming blocks to bend aluminum around a tight radius and we use lead to beat the aluminum around the corners. is this bad? we aren't heating it up or anything just holding it and beating profusely. haha. it is only bad if you stick a torch to it and heat it up and breath the fumes right?
nytrdr24   +1y

don't know which would be worse tho, loosing your mind, or not being able to breath.....they used to call people that formed hats mad hatters, cause they used a mercury solution (another heavy metal) to make the felt that covered hats (top hats & the like).

as a whole in the construction ind, safety awareness has gotten a lot better over the past 10-15 years, used to you could climb a ladder & so what, now, if your 4 feet off the ground, you better have a harness on....heck, i can remember climbing out of my scissor lift, walking on sprinkler pipe 30' above the ground to run conduit w/o wearing a harness...
maztang (ryan)   +1y
^^^ so true! i have been working in aviation for about 8 years now and not until i came to my current job did we have to wear fall protection equipement if you are on something that is over 4 feet tall. it is an osha requirement that i don't completely agree with. haha.
nytrdr24   +1y

me either, .....@ 4' , if you have a harness on, what the heck good will it do when the lanyards that are attached to the harness are most of the time 6' long? your still gonna hit the ground (bounce)! actually i think osha is 6 ft, but most companies try to exceed that so there is no question, it could have change tho?
maztang (ryan)   +1y
the way ours is set up is... they are attached to a cable that runs along the ceiling in the aircraft hangar, if you fall off of the aircraft as little as i think 3" it locks. we don't have to wear anything outside the hangar just inside. the kicker is that depending on how the aircraft is parked it feels like it is pulling you off the aircraft. if you are at a 30 degree angle from the nearest cable than you do not have to wear it. but you still have to wear the harness. lots of stupid little rules that almost hurt you more than help you. but standing on top of a ch-47 i think i would rather have one on.
nytrdr24   +1y
true, so they have a tag line......& it sounds like yall are using what we call yo-yo's instead of lanyards, we usually have the yo-yo's @ teh top of ladders on scaffolds that are 20' or taller. the 30 degrees, is so if you do fall, you won't swing into anything like a pendilum <sp>.....