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General Discussion \  welding wire

welding wire

General Discussion
views 4514
replies 30
following 7
robbie   +1y
get a bigger 220 machine and you can make some nice beads with gas and not have to worry about penatration near as much.

thread post photo
slammedmini469   +1y

o really? yah my truck is shit, it has no engine, no trans, rust, and it needs a LOT fo work....

BUT, i could get more for it the way it sits than you could get for yours.....probably even after yours is bagged....
roach25681   +1y
You shouldnt be making fun of the way people type, cause you arent much better yourself chief.
slammedmini469   +1y
at least mine is readable
lucky13   +1y
mazdabon2nd   +1y
yo are u kidding number on my truck isnt bagged 2 i probly have a lot more work to mine then urs and im 16 and i got about 6 wips that are flyer then ur bike on the best day dont hate b.c u cant man up ight so just take it easy dont make me bring out the pics
mazdabon2nd   +1y
alsot i bet u my truck sits lower then when ur shit is pancaked
slammedmini469   +1y
O wow, You can't put together a legible sentence can you kid?

You have 6 "wips" huh? Name them

I never said your truck was bagged, I said my truck is most likely worth more the way it sits than yours will be worth when its bagged....

O yes, My truck doesn't "pancake", nor will it ever....

I was just pickin on you for not being able to type for shit....

But, I am done with you. I will be the bigger man here and let it go.
mazdabon2nd   +1y
yo i have to name all or them ok here it goes
1980 mercedes benz 300 sd turbo diesel
black with 18 diablo rims custom fit bigger garret turbo with front mount intercooler 3 inch down pipe and bost control and bigger accuator
1975 bmw 2002
2 weber side drafts a header everything else all orginal 20,000 miles
1978 trans am 400hp cam headers intake manifold pistons and bored ,30
1986 mazda b2000 cam weber 38 headers electirc fuel pump bored .30 high flow oilpump,waterpump.port and polished custom black rotors from germany crosdrilled and dimpled bigger vrake calipers and rotors lower with drop spindles and drop leafs with a fuel cell tints projector head lights and a custom fiber glass gril there is proble more
1951 chevy 3800 1 ton full restored with 17s american racing rims
1997 pontiac bonnivelle se tints and hid kit (got it for free b.c my uncle is the ceo of general motors ) so shut the fuck up i work hard on my shit with pride ur are just jealous so u can shut the fuck up u probly dont know shit about cars so u wont even understand most of this stuff but it shouldnt evne matter to u or ne one about what other ppls rides look like its the fun of having one and wtf is problem u shouldnt be degrating other ppl like that and maybe when u can grow up and get a dick and a soul u should come back here and help pppl rather then down grade ppl and make ur insecure self feel better go walk in to a knife u faggotty fuck
slammedmini469   +1y
See, you still cant put together a decent sentence....

I said I was gonna shut up after the last post, but I have got to post again....

your 16, there is no way in hell you paid for all that yourself. So either your a lieing sack of shit OR mommy and daddy paid for it. Noone is going to believe your uncle is the CEO of GM either...

Saying I dont know shit about cars is like saying Rosie O'Donnell doesn't know how to eat. I wasn't "downgrading" (its degrading by the way) anyone, I was JOKING with you dude, chill.