Cool Gravity, I like questions lol.
1. Why is Jesus depicted as a white guy? Because an artist depicted Him that way...for who knows what reason...and it just "caught on". I, and most Christians, don't believe, in fact we know He was not white. He is from the middle east and therefore should be most likely dark haired and dark skinned.
This is where science and religion disagree. I don't know if, as someone else above stated we believe, the earth is only 6000 yrs old. I don't however believe it is billions of years old, or even a million. I believe God was active in the creation of this earth from day one. I believe He created man very very shortly after creating the earth, and therefore was involved from the beginning.
I also don't believe the "big bang theory" is absolutely wrong. I just believe 1. it took someone/something to start it. (science hasn't been able to replicate it in models without adding certain things....some of which were not around at that time). 2. I believe the happenings of the theory could very well be correct, and it's just the timing I would differ with.
4. If I'm not mistaken the Bible....or lets say the books of the Bible before they were put together, were written in atleast 3 different languages; Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic.
People act like 1. The BIble was written all at once, and possibly by one person, in one place. This is totally false lol. It was actually 40 plus authors, spanning some thousands of years. Covering 3 diferent continents...if I'm not wrong with my memory
2. People make the comment, "The Bible's been translated so many times it doesn't mean the same."
In most cases the translations, NIV, KJV, NKJV, NASB, etc. go back to the original language. In other words, they are translated directly from the greek, hebrew, and aramaic languages. We have extremely old texts in the original languages that are still avaiable to us to refer back to.
If you study the different translations of the Bible, KJV, NIV, NASB, etc. you'll find they all say exactly the same things, they're just put in different ways of speaking. KJV is old english, NKJV is more updated old english lol. NIV is modern english, etc, etc. Now if you go for the "Living Bible, or The Message", these are paraphrases, and not literal interpretations. That doesn't make them wrong at all, they are just written in more of a "story" format to help better understand the Word.
The Living Bible was paraphrased by one man that wanted to make it where he could easily read it to his daughter if I remember correctly.
And please don't forget, there are more "gospels/books" that just weren't included in the cannonized Bible, that are actually good. These gospels just don't add any new information about Christ/God so why include every one of them?
Then there are also the gnostic gospels which don't seem to be correct because they don't show Christ in the same "light" so to speak. They contradict His teaching. Gnostics were also more mystical if I'm not mistaken, and they didn't believe salvation came from Christ's death, but instead from the "secrets" He taught them.