For me, I wasn't brought up in church really. Niether of my parents practiced Christianity. My grandparents went to church, and sometimes we would...I thought just so we could go eat with them afterwards lol...it's what we did
At 8yrs old I wanted to go to a VBS at a church I had never been in before, with no one else I knew planned to be there. It was there that I was given the choice the first time and had the Salvation plan explained to me...along with a group of kids. Glad we did cuz I bout drowned on the trip lol.
Needless to say, I didn't practice the faith after that and still had no clue about it. But I always just knew there was a God. There were times I'd cry out to Him about stupid things....like cuz I didn't get something I wanted NOW . There's just always been "something" in me that told me there's a God, and I've always felt there has to be a Creator.
I hadn't been to a church in many years. Then the night I went to see my wife for the first time, after I left, I stopped by "her" church and knelt on the front steps and thanked God for giving me her....this was after our first date lol.
Now, even after that I didn't practice the faith really. Yeah I went to church with her, but I didn't start a relationship with Christ, read the Bible or really give Him the time of day. I was still drinking, cursing, etc. BUt gradually I begain to want more of God...it was an inside hunger, not a mental thing at all.
Well after our first 3 yrs of marriage and all the drinking and crap that alcohol causes, including extramarital relations, He just started working on me. I was the "weekend partier, and weekday Christian". I could give some good sermons to my friends while I was drunk lol.
Idk, eventually I took God serious and realized that without Him, I was dead. I eventually started trying to work on my relationship with Him, and the only way to really start was to say "ok Lord, here's my life, you do with it as you will." And I think He's doing it...somehow . I've now been a volunteer youth counselor for about 8 yrs for my church, and I have a desperation in my heart for all people to come to Christ.
I've never witnessed the "miracle" things like a lot of believers have. The speaking in tongues, healings, etc. really. The thing I've seen the most that I consider miracles, are the times He's changed lives. I've seen the awesome power of God pull people out of the deepest mire of sin and into a great relationship with Him. Until you really feel the power of God in your life, you won't understand it. It's hard to explain it lol.
For me the evidence of a creator is all around us. We ourselves are way to complex of a being to have just had all the complexities come from an accident, or evolution (darwinian idea). Everything we have is set on the razor's edge of perfect balance. That doesn't happen by accident.
As for the examples you lsit above, if these people would have read and followed their Bible themselves, they wouldn't have been duped by someone telling them things that are not of God in the first place. All the evils in Christian history goes back to a lack of people's knowledge of God's Word, a lack of a real relationship, prayer life, etc. with Him.