Why does the Creator need a creator first off? He's infinite, the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and End. You're looking at it from a human stand point Matteo, and tbh it's something we just can't comprehend.
First off let me say, the "Bible=crutch" comment is just an easy saying for those who feel they're better off alone than with believing in a god. I in no way have my faith as a crutch. It implies I am weak so I believe in something bigger than me. It implies that I have to have a belief in something other than myself...like I "need" to believe in something outside myself. I can tell you personally I in no way, no way at all, feel that way.
As for your hypothesis: The Bible's books have been studied and studied, by many secularists and Biblical scholars for thousands of years now. Trust me if there was something else not right about it, or another "Bible as you say", I think they'd know by now.
You seem to be coming at it like as if one person wrote the Book. As I said above, it's written by over 40 authors, spanning atleast 3 continents and covers something like 6000 years or so. These people didn't "Get together" and make up the stories contained in it. All 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), were all found in far different areas. Yet they all speak of christ the same way and testify to the things He did.
As for the "magician" part. Once again, if Christ were just a magician, He wouldn't have been perfect as ALL the Gospel writers agree He was. You have to realize, the 4 Gospels werw written by those who walked, talked, and lived with Jesus 24/7 for 3 years straight. If He would have sinned in anyway, they would have known it.
"So they could have just wanted Him to sound better than He was so they wrote their books that way". Well first off, I don't think all 4 would have agreed to write such, and even the Gospels of the other disciples that have been found pretty much say the same thing...or atleast not one of them says He was sinful, or His carachter was different form the 4 Gospels in the Bible.
Also, these same disciples had their own moments of "unbelief or not being sure" or just plain being scared to stand up for Christ. 2 points here. 1. When Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane, the Bible says all the disciples fled...or hid and followed. Peter was the only one to draw a sword to fight. Yet point #2, Peter, once Christ was being taken to the Sanhedrin, denied time and time again outside that he was a disciple or that he even knew Christ when asked. It wasn't until after the ressurection of Christ and the disciple's witness of Him afterwards that they all became bold enough to preach Christ to the nations.
So, other than them actually seeing the "proof" of Christ's ressurection, they themselves were doubters or atleast fearful to take a stand. So if these men were so scared to stand up for Christ while He was alive, what else made the difference for them to all of a sudden stand up and help spread the "lie" (as some claim) about Him being God, and being sinless? If they were so scared to being with, why would they all of a sudden not be scared?
Look at Paul. He was imprisoned, beaten to the verge of death, multiple times. What in the world would have made any man do this for the sake of a lie?
Now as for the prophesying of Christ and how was going to be born. You'd have a point in your question if it were prophesied by only one person. But here's the deal, through out the whole Old Testament, there are many different prophecies from many of the diffferent writers. lol the Adam and Eve story itself prophesies to the coming of Christ:
Genesis 3:15
ANd I will put emnity between you (the serpant/satan) and the woman and between your seed and her Seed (Christ): He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel." NKJV
Isaihah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and a number of the other OT writers prophecied to the Christ coming. Like I said above, this is still believed by the JEws to this day! They know their Bible says a Messiah will come. They know He'll be of the line of the great king David. The problem is though, they're looking for an earthly king, where as Christ is the Heavenly King. He fits all the prophecies, but since He didn't bring a political solution to the earth's problems...Isreal's more specifically, they don't see Him as the Savior. So they wait.
Ok gotta go eat some breakfast now and get my coffee
Oh yeah, and it's not been the Christian religion causing wars, it's been the followers not "following" as they should Did Christ cause any wars? Nope, He even told Peter not to defend Him with the sword the night they arrested Him, and instead He healed the dude that Peter hit. So is this an example of a war causing religion? Not if we follow Christ!