So far you have revealed yourself to be a learned man, staunch in your belief of a deity and I respect you for that.
However, I clearly disagree with you on the above statement.
How can you seriously believe the following:
Before the flood of Noah (according to the Bible), people lived as much as 900+ years, (it helped populate the earth)
1. Scientific studies have shown there isn't enough water on the surface of the Earth to account for Noah's flood.
2. Science has demonstrated time and again that the human body deteriorates with age because of damage to our DNA, so 900+ years old is out of the question. If we could re-write our DNA then we could probably live longer.
3. Geneticists have proven and well documented incest cases - Roman, Egyptian and British royal families - have shown that inbreeding causes terrible malformations and diseases among the descendants of said inbred families. Therefore, according to scientific belief, Noah and his family were not sufficient in numbers to prevent inbreeding so, logically, the flood could not have been a world-killing phenomenon and humans elsewhere were unaffected.
Don't get me wrong, it's okay to believe in a deity or a religion. However, it's not okay when said belief makes its followers say things or believe in things that science has clearly shown to be impossible.
You might say that your god "created" enough water for the flood or that he "willed" people to live 900+ years but that, according to me, is a weak answer. It's too easy to say: "Have faith and all will be explained."
I am open-minded enough to concede there might have been a dude called Jesus who walked the Earth 2000 years ago and that he taught some radical concepts like "love thy neighbor" and such. Stranger things have happened. However, I remain convinced there is no such thing as a "god" out there who; created the entire universe, is directing every aspect of my life, is battling the devil for my soul, etc... That's just superstitious make belief.