Did you even read the 3rd page in which it was explained about the animals not "trained" like Morton has said? Or, on the first page, how about the actual scale at which the Ark was built and the amount of space the animals would have actually took up...to which Morton actually thought was a very good explanation, so much so he didn't refute the room needed again, but instead focused on the "impossibility" of taking care of all those animals
Looking back at the links, it definitely appears you only read the "secular" page, because answersingenesis.org doesn't mention the "trained" part and the 3rd page, Woodmorappe’s reply to Morton's assertions says, "I did mention such training as a POSSIBILITY, but in no sense did Ark waste management depend upon this."
You keep believing the Bible's just old stories...even though the historical events have been found to be accurate...which leaves nothing but the "God" part to be questioned. Which brings up an interesting question, why would the writers of each of the books go into such detail of everything, and we've found the historical events to be true, yet lie/fabricate/dream up the "God" parts?
Btw I'm not trying to convince you to believe as I do, nor have I made jokes about your beliefs. We all believe the earth and people came into being somehow. We all believe it happened that the earth came from "nothing" so to speak. That people came into being from "nothing" so to speak. You believe it's by chance we just came to be, and I give God the credit for everything, cuz I believe that most of the science has shown to prove there has to be a Creator for us to have everything neccessary to live, and yet just be on the brink of the razor's edge. The human eye alone has thousands of interesting things about it that makes it work that to me points to a God who made it the way it is.
We all have a faith, it's just placed in/on different things. The Christian faith has been tested and tested and tested, especially by those who want to disprove God, yet no one has disproved Him...or ever will . Science continues to evolve. Continues to change, continues to theorize, continues to change it's own rules. Yet I believe the two, as many scientist belive, can coincide with each other. I believe they compliment each other very well. As I've stated, I believe science has done nothing but reveal God's workmanship.
You know Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike, all believe in Noah's flood? And looking on wiki ( ) there are even a few other "non-major" religions that believe the "story". Some believe there were up to 78 (Islam) people on board, yet that all the descendants were from Noah's family only. So, you realize the believers of this "story" make up the vast majority of this world's inhabitants?