And there you have my biggest bone of contention with religion... the promise of paradise after we die... the ultimate carrot.
I don't have enough words to express the level of frustration I feel whenever someone mentions paradise, limbo, purgatory and hell. To me this is the ultimate trick played on the human race by religion.
Be good, don't complain, accept your lot, etc. because after you die, if you're lucky, you get to go to heaven. If you're not nice you go to hell. If you're not good enough you go to purgatory, where you might eventually make it into heaven and, if you don't baptize your child fast enough and it dies, it goes to limbo, because of original sin. Anyone have any proof any of this exists... other than what is written in the Bible and the reams of doctrine the catholic church has written since?
No, there is no proof, nada, zip, zero.
I know the answer I'm going to get is, yes, all this exists because God said it exists. To me that's like the tobaccco companies saying cigarettes are good for you because it's written in a book, a book they wrote BTW.
Sorry, I'm getting a little frustrated...
Let me blow off some steam, do some work, and get back to this thread later on today or tomorrow.
Cheers !!