As many of you know I've lived in Gainesville for several years, actually before this board came about. I have made a series of horrible mistakes which has landed me back at square one as of three years ago. I got caught up in a job and after being promised the world, I stopped going to school in hopes to make some serious money after only a few short years. What a joke that turned out to be. I have made decent money for my age, but have maxed out due to being uneducated and not enough positions available. And in a series of a few months time my seriousness with the place started to dwindle, after being promised things by not only my boss (who happens to be my room mate) but also the owner, which turned out to be lies. So I’m starting fresh and moving on. Gainesville is a very demanding city to live in, as most college towns are. It’s next to impossible to find a job, much less a job that pays decent money. I have wasted 3 years busting my butt to make ends meet and worked for free in many instances to help progress myself which turned out to be working against me. I have turned down many incredible opportunities to work for shops all over the United States but turned them down foolishly. But tomorrow is a new day, and everyday above ground is a good day. I'm starting fresh and moving out of this forlorn and desolate hell hole. I will be returning to school this fall, with a bright future ahead of me. I'm just embarrassed and ashamed that it’s taken me this long, and at this age in my life to realize my failures. No matter what I do for the rest of my life, I will be playing catch-up to those who are my age already with their degrees and already starting their careers. Nevertheless, staying in Gainesville would just be pouring salt into an open wound. Its time to reinvent myself. With everything packed, this will be my last message to this board from Gainesville. I will see you all on the beach!