Best of luck to you with the future. Good to see you're going to start over and try and do it right this time. That definetly takes a lot of balls and a lot of thought to drop what you're doing and start all over.
I've been busting my ass with dead end jobs since I finished high school. Twice I planned to begin an apprenticeship,but I was like you and got caught up in jobs that looked like I could move on up. So far,this current job is working out,so we'll see...but I'm only 21 and really SHOULD be furthering my education...but schooling isn't my way of learning. A piece of paper saying I can do this and that doesn't mean shit to me. Me actually doing what I can do means everything...unfortunately that's not what employers want to see,so you need that slip of paper,and that's why I am where I am,but for now,I'm happy. It pays the bills,and I just got a promotion,so things are good now,but who knows how long it'll last. That's the problem,is that there is no job security anymore and employees are as disposable as toilet paper because there's always another shitload waiting.
All the best for you in your schooling and the future. I hope it works out for ya.