Two "senior "ladies were on the front porch sipping coffee when one turns to the other and says."I know u went out with that nice Mr. Johnson last week and now he has asked me out and I want to know how it went with u two."Second lady says,"well he showed up promptly at 7 pm,impeccably dressed in a new suit,carrying flowers and a box of chocolates.We went downstairs where there was a chauffer with a limo that took us to an expensive restaurant where we enjoyed fine steaks,drank champaigne and then went to the theater and enjoyed a great show.On the way back home,however ,he turned into a complete animal,ripped off my new dress and had his way with me-twice.""Gracious" says the first lady,"Are u saying I shouldnt go out with him then?" "No,dummy",says lady number two,"Just wear an old dress." Hee-Haw.BJ