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General Discussion \  Dec. 21, 2012...

Dec. 21, 2012...

General Discussion
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replies 34
following 17
90-b22dawg [andrew]   +1y
horse shit....
nytrdr24   +1y
kinda off the wall is possible that all the planets will align, and the rotational axis of earth will be off kilter.....this could cause problems with our society that is highly reliant on electronics etc.....of course, you could always kill over from a brain hemerage trying to take a poo on the toilet while constipated , either way, we have all made the "starting line" in the race that is life, and we will all make it to the "finish line", just some of us may make it sooner than others, and in different ways.......

all i can say is be prepared as best you can for what life throws at ya, improvise, adapt & overcome what challanges you cross down the road of life, and by all means, stop along that road of life & enjoy yourself.....burp, time for a pitstop on that road, honey, can you bring me another beer?!?
maztang (ryan)   +1y

hahaha, no joke. i started to watch one that the dude was acting like it was going to take place in 5 minutes. i had to stop it because of all the cursing and my kids were in the room.

it is funny because the mayans just predicted a new biginning. who is to say that that doesn't just mean that the world will correct its axis and start soinning all over again and everyone will just wake up on 12-22-2012 and go to work or whatever. it is a trip seeing what everyone has to say.

i talked to another guy at work today about it and it is funny as hell. he believes in a more advanced being like aliens (which he has never seen) but he doesn't believe in god (because he has never seen him)or anything about 12-21-2012. now how does that make any since? i think dudes got issues.
crazymikey   +1y
so how do they predict or know that the axis will correct itself and that it will kill everything? How do they know the planets are lining up and when it will happen? Theories are all fine and dandy....on paper...but theories never work in the real world.

Case in point. My job. Fairly new plant, lots of engineers trying to design extravagant equiptment and products and when they test their theories that work perfectly on paper,they are utterly useless and retarded when put to the test by average Joe, ie: me and the other workers. When we complain about how stupid and difficult they've just made things they reply "no,really,it will work,you're just doing it wrong."

Sounds almost like a religious war about to break out. I found this little quote and I laughed my ass off at how true it is;

"Engineers are pretty much highly functioning Autistics who have absolutely no clue how normal do things."

So again,this sounds like the goofballs who come up with these doomsday theories. See how I'm proving a theory wrong with real life? Do you get my point? Whatever happens happens. ANybody can say 27 000 years ago dinosaurs died and it was the end of the world and there was a new beginning. Who knows that for sure? The only evidence we have of that is Prehistoric bones and fossils...and it's just that...PRE all happened before there actually was any history to relate to anything. Nobody knows what happened and we never will. However,I do give credit to the people who spend their lives trying to peice together this incredible planet's history as far back as possible,but there's those nutjobs who find some sort of evidence of something and blow it all out of proportion.
pepehn   +1y
whats a mayan lmao

..sound like idiots
draggin84   +1y
you would think that if the mayans could predict the future then there would still be mayans.
maztang (ryan)   +1y
hahahaha, never thought about that^^^

good call.
crazymikey   +1y
yeah if they're so smart,what killed them off? and what happened to Atlantis? Maybe the Mayans migrated from Atlantis to South America and then they all got malaria or something,lol
draggin84   +1y
didn't cortez steal their gold because they thought that he was a white god and then he voted them off survivor island.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
haha dec 21 is my birthday