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General Discussion \  Irony


General Discussion
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kevinslowv6   +1y

32 Ford? Pretty sure that holds merit in collector's value, and history. A dubbed out slammed Japanese mini-pickup truck on the other hand, no. I'm not so much impressed with the 1/4" plate statement as you could stick that inside most cars.

And I'll let you know why you're explaining that to my "worthless ass," it's actually because you really do care what other people think about your vehicle and your hobby, or else you wouldn't have responded at all. Does that make sense?
Post was last edited on Oct 19, 2007 06:10. This post has been edited 1 times.
fanninator   +1y
alright guys. this waseasy to figure out

someone posted at like 1:18 pm
1dayiwill posted his original post at 3:18 pm
then suddenly..............
kevinslowv6 posted his 1st post at 3:22

so as far as i can see, id lay money on 1dayiwill and kevinslowv6 having the same ip address, meaning that 1dayiwill created a new account (kevinslowv6) because noone would take his side....reason being, he "hates" seths yota because it is badass and built by himself, when 1dayiwill probably no
and kevinslowv6 edited his post a whopping TEN TIMES. DAMN man you just have no idea on what your wanting to say huh? i think to see if im right, baja should check the ip addresses! and 1dayiwill, man put some thought into what your doing prior to being a full blown dipshit. -bf
lofosho86   +1y
it must really suck to be such a little person as yourself!
twisted minis   +1y
How many people can put a 4x8 sheet of plate in their car? I know I can't. Theres a reason I didn't drive my Mustang to the steel outlet.
kevinslowv6   +1y

Wow you have quite an imagination on you. Sorry to disappoint but you will find that our IP's do not match, as we are not the same person. I can guess as to why no one took his side though, judging by certain posts here, is because all of you like to stick together like some kind of family - even when you're wrong. Guess it has something to do with pride or being part of an e-pack or something.

By the way- don't sign your forum posts with your initials, that's fucking retarded, you're not writing a letter.
twisted minis   +1y

I thought the same thing. But I honestly really don't care. You know what they say about arguing on the internet. This thread is just stupid. It sucks my thread got ruined so quickly. At all really.
kevinslowv6   +1y

You have a Mustang, too? Damn, you're just full of vehicles aren't you, you have that little truck, a lifted truck, a 65 chevelle, a 54 Ford, and a Mustang! Somehow I seriously doubt all of that.
twisted minis   +1y
Would you like pictures of them?
lofosho86   +1y
I think the retard here is you!I bet you would not say the shit your saying to our faces!!
kevinslowv6   +1y
A picture of them together would be better, as anyone can google pictures of other peoples' cars and tag them as their own. This is the internet, afterall, and that happens all of the time.