Sorry, but there is not much about that photo that is ironic in the literary sense of the word. I think the word you're looking for is coincidental. That, would make sense, in the manner that your "toy" (more like joke to me, should have parked it infront of a group of clowns or something.) of a pickup truck is parked infront of a toy store, which also probably happens to be made up of employees that would be stereotypically seen as drivers of trucks like yours (I'm talking about Mexicans, of course, and seeing as you're in California I wouldn't doubt it if that's the case). Irony would be if there was a photo of a white guy in a business suit driving it, with a mexican in an F150 Lightning behind it, or something.
Irony would be seeing a Lamborghini with normal doors, and a honda civic next to it with Lambo doors. Irony would be seeing your pickup truck being run over by a car.
Irony generally means there is a contradiction or discrepancy in the situation, your photo isn't all that ironic.
On another note,
You could probably should have forked out the money to get the whole thing painted instead of having a half-assed painted "mega-sicc" low-riding mexican mobile with some ridiculously large wheels that have rubber-bands as tires that probably rub the inside of your fender well when you make a turn. Hell even the painted portion looks bad, it's as if you spray-painted the whole thing, either that or you couldn't afford to get any clear-coats put on it because of all the cash you dumped into 'dem dubs. What the hell does everyone find so attractive about these trucks anyway? I would be pretty ashamed of my truck if it's so low that it can bottom out on a fucking twig in the street. Your truck seriously looks like what a pickup with normal ride-height would look like if it was packed with 200 mexicans on a border crossing mission.
You could have atleast gotten a pickup worthy of respect:
instead of something that is laughed at by probably 90% of the automotive community, the ricer boys with their sicc hondas probably think you're ride is sweet, though.
Oh and I know you probably ride on air bags or something to lift your cereal box truck to a maintainable height, but it's most likely got some kind of 'lean-back' slanted stance to it, adding to the dumbassery of these trucks (yes I made that word up). You have all of this money invested in your 'sicc' mods yet the vehicle's only half-painted. Now if it was an old, shitty looking Camaro with a big block V8 pushing 500 horsepower I wouldn't rag on it, because that when the term 'go before show' comes into play, but that can't even be used here. If anything it's 'shit before sanity' or some shit, you figure it out.