!. I don't smoke marijuana, or anything else, especially. With marijuana, smoking is a waste of 75% of the medicine. You are supposed to put it in your food. Here's a basic recipe. Take four ounces of Olive Oil, and bring it to a simmer. Dump in 7 grams of powdered / pulverized marijuana. Simmer for 10 minutes, then cool the oil. Use to fry eggs, steaks or fish. Paint it onto bread. Use it on popcorn. I make Kettle corn with it. If the popcorn is a little dry, I pour a little extra on it. The idea is to consume enough to cause pain to lift. Once that is done, the body can heal via restorative sleep.
2. All of those mothballed ships need to be reconstituted. It will save having to build those particular cities. They will have to be reconstituted, however, with atomic energy and jet propulsion.
3. The Titanic is perfect for this work, because if we can do this project with something this challenging, it proves the idea of subterranean refuge valid.
I do not know if you ever did any research into the P-38 that was pulled out of the Greenland ice and put back together after being recovered, but that work was done by someone I know. The plane is now on a runway in Texas, after being flown around at air shows. I do not argue with success.