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How many mantles are lit in the room?

General Discussion
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emjay   +1y
ok, BAHA! please mute this fool!
cmiller_10   +1y
now here is a counter concept why build under water when we can just build our cities on the clouds? that way you keep smokin and you as one human being can save all of man kind by making clouds!!!! now on a real note i am wondering the same thing. what are you on because the medical marajuana for those cateracts def dont lead to concepts like this. lol
mazdatweaker   +1y
I see some bright lights have illuminated the room with good ideas.

The idea of building submersible cities is this . . . the problem with global warming isn't going to go away.

I M not entirely familiar with how long a submarine can stay submerged, but they have the ability to stay underwater for a really long time. They regenerate their own air, and make their own fresh water.

A ship as large as the Titanic allows for standing room, and food production. Just try to wrap your head around this concept.

Navy seals, who need underwater training anyway, would salvage the hull of the Titanic. They would repair the ship "enough" to allow enough air to be pumped into the hull to float it off the bottom. The entire hull would then be rotated 180 degrees, so that the bottom of the ship becomes the roof. Since it would then be airtight, it could be puffed with enough air to create enough buoyancy to float it to within 15 feet of the surface. Then the workers could go inside and the renovation work would begin.
mazdatweaker   +1y
The flagship of this work is the Titanic. It would be called "Leviathan."

The Edmund Fitzgerald could be salvaged. It is only 900 feet down, in Lake Superior. That is a 900 foot boat.

The Lusitania.

The Bismark.

There are already shipbuilders in operation.

Plans change. 100 years ago, we didn't have much in the ways of cars, trucks, trains, or airplanes.
We have to technologically evolve. Our grandchildren need somewhere besides the surface of planet Earth. . .maybe for the NEXT 5000 years.

The space program has been scrapped, but our need of a refuge has not.
bagdb2200   +1y
1st off, you're smoking something other than Marijuana.

2nd, there's hundreds of mothballed ships to use for your crazy idea instead of wasting time/money raising sunken ships.

3rd, the Titanic is ripped in half, it wouldn't make a very good submarine.
mazdatweaker   +1y

!. I don't smoke marijuana, or anything else, especially. With marijuana, smoking is a waste of 75% of the medicine. You are supposed to put it in your food. Here's a basic recipe. Take four ounces of Olive Oil, and bring it to a simmer. Dump in 7 grams of powdered / pulverized marijuana. Simmer for 10 minutes, then cool the oil. Use to fry eggs, steaks or fish. Paint it onto bread. Use it on popcorn. I make Kettle corn with it. If the popcorn is a little dry, I pour a little extra on it. The idea is to consume enough to cause pain to lift. Once that is done, the body can heal via restorative sleep.

2. All of those mothballed ships need to be reconstituted. It will save having to build those particular cities. They will have to be reconstituted, however, with atomic energy and jet propulsion.

3. The Titanic is perfect for this work, because if we can do this project with something this challenging, it proves the idea of subterranean refuge valid.
I do not know if you ever did any research into the P-38 that was pulled out of the Greenland ice and put back together after being recovered, but that work was done by someone I know. The plane is now on a runway in Texas, after being flown around at air shows. I do not argue with success.
bagdb2200   +1y

Salvaging and rebuilding an airplane is completely different from salvaging the Titanic.
For one, airplanes are made of aluminum, which doesn't rust in the water. Also, something ike a P-38 is a lot smaller and requires much less manhours, equipment, etc to pull out of the water.

The Titanic is a at a depth too deep for divers, and submersibles aren't articulate enough to do the work needed to prep a ship to be raised. It took 11 years, over $4.5 million, and over 20,000 dive hours to raise the Mary Rose. That ship was only about 145ft long and in less than 100ft of water.

I think there are many more viable options of sustainable living environments than wasting the time and money it would take to raise sunken ships, and rebuild them to be livable.
We could probably make a change to the way we live, as a society, but living in yellow submarines isn't the answer.
mazdatweaker   +1y
When the P-38 was pulled out of tomb it was buried in, it was cut into three pieces, in order to remove it from the spot it was located at; 264 feet below the surface of the ice pack. You cannot tell me this was any easier or harder than any other salvage operation. When the Apollo 13 mission went haywire, desperate measures were utilized to "salvage" a mission that would have killed everyone concerned if they hadn't utilized them, due to complexity. You also cannot tell me because it is hard, expensive, or made out of something other than aluminum, that it is somehow less feasible. (By the way, the P-38 had a magnesium nose wheel which was completely gone, due to corrosion. A replacement was located over the fireplace of someone in Idaho I think)

It isn't likely selfish, self centered human beings are willing to do what is necessary as a society, to save themselves and future generations, so this plan matrix is being given to enlightened minds as an alternative to Sodom and Gomorrah.

The ARK saved those who had the presence of mind to build it.
bagdb2200   +1y
Like I said earlier. You're on something other than marijuana, whether you're smoking anything or not.

Did you not read anything I wrote? Do you know what ROI, return on investment, means? If you're talking about creating refuge for ppl, you'd be able to do a lot more with the money if you went a different route other than resurfacing sunken ships.

Like I said before, the Mary Rose was in less than 100ft of water, and still partially visible. It cost them $4.5 million dollars to surface...that's not even to rebuild it into something livable. Raising something like the Titanic would be so exponentially more expensive noone would be able to afford it.

Your P-38 cost them less than a million to resurface, and it was under over 250ft of ice they had to thaw out!

Put the drugs away man.
mazdatweaker   +1y

You know, if I WERE on drugs, and you KNEW I was on drugs, you might have something valuable to offer. But to attempt to discredit my arguments or ideas based on an AD HOMINEM argument, especially one built on a lie, seems more than a little disrespectful.

As I said in an earlier post, salvage would be carried on by governments. The Navy SEALS would be getting underwater training that they need ANYWAY. Other governments could invest in their own salvage operations

The space program was fueled by a hope of extra-terrestrial conquest. The government paid for it. WE won an imaginary race to the moon. We didn't care how much it cost to do it.

The War in Afghanistan costs something like 100 million a month, maybe more, and you are worried about what it would cost to reconstitute one ship? Any idea how much it cost to send an assassin squad into Pakistan? The US government did not care. It did what it had to do to accomplish what it felt necessary regarding Bin Laden.

Think about this. If the sky had really been falling, Chicken Little would not have had a second opportunity to tell anyone.

My work is intergenerational. That means some not alive now will be born with an opportunity to live submerged. That may be the ONLY option on planet Earth in 100 years.

Now take your criticism and go to the other thread and complain there.