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General Discussion \  Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

General Discussion
views 6851
replies 80
following 6
mazdatweaker   +1y
I guess this is sort of a newspaper column.

Words to the sky.

I work for free.

Write my editorials anyway.

I wrote a lot of stuff while I was in the Cobb County Jail.

Recipes, music, poems, stories. A lot of thoughts on paper. I even wrote the start of a story line to a idea, called "Song of the Cicada."

The guards came in one night and took it. That and a number of other things I had written. It wasn't that they really wanted anything I had written. . . they threw out what I wrote, just to destroy it.

One night, they had already stripped my room of almost all my things, leaving me with a mattress and little else, I saw all my things laying just outside of my locked cell. I pulled out the pen I had hidden, and proceeded to write on the mattress an inventory of what had just been removed from my cell.

I also included my thoughts and feelings about what it was like to have your person violated.

Later, they found the mattress, and confiscated it. They thought what I had written on it was so funny that they took pictures of the mattress as "evidence" and charged me 35 dollars for "damage." Stupid Gestapo Nazis just preserved my evidence for purposes of trial.

How's that for IN YOUR FACE?
mazdatweaker   +1y
Maybe I ought to change my name to MazdaTweeter.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Phoenixafy ya.

Transmogrify you.







My truck is still in Impound.

Anyone want to help me get it out?.

Sometimes I think that all god has in store for me is sheperding a herd of squirrels.

Y'sha (Jesus) has better plans. That is why I follow Him.
mazdatweaker   +1y
So now I have to wait for parts for my 1978 Kawasaki. Where's BJ? He used to visit around here.

Why did I get personal visits from the founder of BScene twice? What exactly did I do to deserve that honor? I wonder what people told HIM.

Always nice to chat with Rob when he shows up.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Outside, it is a beautiful day, great day for a motorcycle ride. But here I sit inside, typing on a computer keyboard.

I'd rather be outside on the bike. Anyone ever read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? I did.

Let me see if I can figger this out. I come in here. Some of the threads get locked. Some get unlocked. Some get locked. And stay locked.. Some of what I say is locked. Some of what I say is unlocked.

I can repeat what I say. I can transect the bubble.

And resuscitate it.

You had an existence before you realized I was here before you. You reacted to what you read. So I acted first, and reactions followed.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Actually, I figured out this is more like an old BBS chat room than anything else on the Internet.

Anonymous browsing.

Anyone want a cookie?

I M still a couch potato
with a Mazda in impound.
baha   +1y
I think I can sum this up. You feel like you are being treated unfairly, and that you've been censored because some threads you have created have been locked although they are still there.

I reviewed the threads that are locked and they will not be unlocked. I support the moderators' decision for locking those threads. Why are you making such a big deal? When you signed up for your account you agreed that we have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

I was going to PM you but since you decide to make a thread about anything we discuss I saved you the trouble.

The moderator's are volunteers, they don't get paid, as neither do I. We volunteer our time as you do because we like to help others. I use what little I get from advertising and my own money to pay for everything site related so I get burnt out when one member keeps creating more work for me. What you are doing now seems to be in an effort to "Stir The Pot" and it's taking up a lot of our time as well as being disruptive to other members. You've been a great help to fellow members but this is getting out of hand.
jrock4224   +1y

Your my boy BLUE!!!!
mazdatweaker   +1y
Good morning everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, it's after noon, so good afternoon, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

Just checking in on my buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just trying to help!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, the problem isn't just the locked threads, Rob.

Not anymore.

Somebody went behind some of my posts and DELETED them.

Bad bad bad.

Remember this?
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.

Odd that in this speck of cosmic energy little bitty bits of protoplasm are selectively sniping at what I wrote, now. Deleting bits of historical truth, already previously fed to the entire Internet.

The work is witnessed. It will be addressed.

The Internet is bigger than little bitty bits of protoplasm with distorted thinking grids.

Pig eaters.

The lard toxifies their thinking grid; their neural network. So I can understand a short-circuited synapse response to what I say.

Electrically, we are a boolean logic electrical grid. With some free moral agency stirred in. Choices determine result.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Y'sha (Jesus) was a perfect example of a completely working grid. That is why power flowed out of him. That is why he was able to fix those with broken grids.

He's the divine electrician.

He's kind of like the switchboard operator in Mayberry, RFD who used to sit in the basement, and swap the telephone lines.

We are gated logic biological entities.

Eat the wrong things, and the electrician walks off the job.

He hates the smell of stinky pork. Lard fat burning is a stench in his nose.

Jesus didn't eat pork. John didn't eat pork. James didn't eat pork. ETC.

The lard fat insulates the neural sheath, so the electrode in the nerve cannot transmit a signal to the next nerve and the current flows sideways instead. Think of a fouled sparkplug, and multiply it times millions, over time.

If you add blood into this matrix, you are really setting yourself up for trouble. Pork, ham, pig, swine contains a lot of blood because it is impossible to bleed out a pig. The blood in the meat contains hemoglobin, which is iron, and the extra iron in the blood stream causes spurious electrical bridges within the brain, distorting the normal electrical grid.

This causes a mental degradation of neural signal.

So yes, eating pork and blood makes you stupid.

It causes a retardation, chemically induced, by those who ingest it.

Another Not, demystified.