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General Discussion \  Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

General Discussion
views 6859
replies 80
following 6
mazdatweaker   +1y
I didn't come looking for trouble. But I don't run away from it, either.

Just letters in space and time.

I browsed a boating forum today. They have their build threads, just like y'all. That was kind of funny to discover. A whole new group to demystify.
mazdatweaker   +1y
So actually, this might be where I post most of my findings, so that they are safe. People who find these posts find help. I respond here, and anything I post here I have already reviewed and stand behind. So it has survived the harshest critic, me. Govern yourself, accordingly.
mazdatweaker   +1y
To manufacturer Jet Juice, take one quart of cranberry juice and some apple juice. Add in 1/2 tablespoon bakers yeast and incubate 12 hours. Enjoy warm.
mazdatweaker   +1y
S.H.A.M.U. Mission Statement
Jonah Levi, Executive Director

What is SHAMU? S.h.a.m.u. is the Society for the Humane Advancement of Marijuana Use. SHAMU is a four-footed mission, comprised of nameless heros, who carry his calling forward, and talk about him. SHAMU wears Converse all stars, as the ones who advance his charge and converse about him are the real stars. His right front shoe is untied, and because SHAMU has no hands, unless someone reaches up to help him, he will trip and fall, and make no progress. What can you do to help? Let
mazdatweaker   +1y
Medical Marijuana has been legal in Georgia since 1933. In the year that Federal Prohibition was repealed, Georgia enacted a Medical Marijuana bill. That law was ratified in May of 2009, under House Bill 509, also known as O.C.G.A. 43-34-120. That is a medical marijuana compassionate enactment.
mazdatweaker   +1y
California, Alaska, Washington, Michigan, Georgia, and many other states allow for Medical Marijuana (Med-Cat). All other states will have to.

There is a huge lawsuit coming. Pick your side.

Medical authorization for qualifying patients.

Exemption from prosecution for caregivers.

Low cost holistic alternative to expensive pain pills.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Medical Marijuana laws vary from state to state, so the underlying unfairness to an oncology patient in a have not state is simple possession of medicine becomes a crime, even though the prescription may be legal.

This really has nothing to do with anyones mental state or acuity. Sick people need access to marijuana.

Medical Marijuana is for Medical problems, like cancer, glaucoma, Migraines, scoliosis, fibro-myalgia, phantom pain, neuropathy. and other things.
mazdatweaker   +1y
I M not talking about illegal anything. Medical Marijuana is LEGAL.

You are supposed to put it in your food. A big handful in your speghetti sauce.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Depending which state you are in determines access to Medical Cannabis. In a State such as Georgia, where Med-Cat has been legal since 1933, Medical practitioners have been prescribing it since that time. While I was incarcerated in the Cobb County Jail, I met a Mr. Hatcher, who disclosed to me that his mother had been taking Medical Marijuana in 1961, for treatment of glaucoma symptoms.

California got all the publicity, but Georgia has been Medically legal since Prohibition was repealed.

Ohio= have not state
Kentucky= have not state
Tennessee= have not state
Alabama= have not state

Michigan= have state
Georgia= have state
California= have state
Oregon= have state
Washington= have state
Colorado= have state
What state are you in?


A CATAPAULT was used to fling Medical Marijuana INTO the United States. They KNOW we need it. We are a sick country.
mazdatweaker   +1y
I have learned much during my time in the abyss called the Cobb County Jail.

I enjoy freedom, and the ability to dialogue.

I support those efforts. Time to wake up some analytical synapses. Time to mature.

I fix trucks. I fix cars. I offer a lot of information.

When it comes to a truck, and my advice helps, I M occasionally thanked. The information is given because it helps, whether anyone says thank you. I try to convey truth and occasionally the person asking for help listens past ignorance which has hindered him (or her).

This ISSUE is not DIFFERENT. Try to get your mind around the fact that Cancer patients and those in Pain have a holistic alternative to highly addictive Opioids. Medical Marijuana.