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General Discussion \  Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

General Discussion
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replies 80
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mazdatweaker   +1y
I love free speech. I love America, because we celebrate the fourth of July, which means I can tell you to go eat a firecracker, and if you are stupid, you might try to do that. I tell you not to smoke marijuana, because that is a waste of 75% of the active medicine in it.

You are supposed to consume it in your food.
mazdatweaker   +1y
hunterw wrote:

I understand that you are bothered that you can't take medical weed from a state its legal in into another and it be illegal. . And until the law is changed its illegal in that state. No matter if its right or wrong. If it helps your health issues go for it. Doesn't bother me


Glad this got in before any ban did. It states the issue correctly. It "frames" the issue. And that is the point to notifying the Militia. That is you, Mazdatruckers. For better or worse, we are married to Earth and we need to take care of it. And the elderly and the afflicted need relief from Criminal possession of a plant. No matter what state of confusion they are in. Marijuana can help with the massive rewire coming to repair planet Earth. Try to get your synapses around that idea. Elightening
mazdatweaker   +1y
If you read one of my last lectures you will have found where I left some information that this lesson picks up on. So I post in hope, and move on. The nice thing about technology is that I can use demonstrations of it in real time to illustrate principles from the Scripture. Wonderful stuff, for example.

A coleman latern.

It has a mantle.
And a fuel source.
And a catalyst.

Once it lights off, it goes brilliant.
Let your light so shine before you, that men see God at work IN you, and so Glorify the God that has empowered that work.

He has a job for planet Earth. The men.

stay tuned.

mazdatweaker   +1y
How is this for a concept. Cities underwater.

Welcome to our new home.

We have to build it.

It has to be rigged like a submarine. Nuclear propulsion.

But this fish is jet propelled.

Big ideas have to find room inside of small minds. Those with lofty ideals can help build.

Titanic was a good idea, Leviathan is better.
mazdatweaker   +1y
We have to build submersible cities.

We need to hedge the human bet.

Some on land.

Some in the sea.
mazdatweaker   +1y
This is an intergenerational idea.
As Noah built an ark, so must we.

Many arks, many people rescued.

Build few. nada.

Refuge underwater.

Tell everyone.

I have a plan.

Puts people back to work

American industry.
American jobs.
American goods.
American labor force.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Shalom Y'all, I M now located in a battle station in a galaxy far, far away from Georgia, We are still on the same Stardate time, but I M outside of Georgia's Jurisdictional limitations. But still a United sTates Citizen
Now I M in Michigan, and have established a base of operations; re-establishing communications links with you, my nexus of loyal followers.

And for the record, because this telecommunication crosses State lines, Federal Rules apply. I probably should have paid closer attention to Interstate Commerce Commission rulings when I was in school.
mazdatweaker   +1y
All the anonymous visitors indicate that Someone is guiding them to this site. A divine usher named Jesus, perhaps.
mazdatweaker   +1y
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mazdatweaker   +1y
So I guess this is an example of resuscitating a bubble.

Repent, and be baptized.