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General Discussion \  Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

Even if no-one is happy to see me, I M back, so there :p

General Discussion
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mazdatweaker   +1y
Here's another one to start a Sabbath off with . . .

mazdatweaker   +1y
Well shalom y'all, nice to see no-one has trashed the thread. . .

I have a couple video updates. I put one together myself. It's about seeing the book of the Revelation being opened up in front of me, right on the Internet. . . . and it spills out into the World.

I think last week's earthquake was kind of a wake up call. It. was a 5.8 on the scale of 1-10.


I just saw this in Wikipedia:

Excited about bringing back Polaroid and "combining it with the digital era", Gaga was named Chief Creative Officer for a line of imaging products for the international optic company in January 2010 with the intent of creating fashion, technology and photography products.[82] Her production team . . .

During an interview with Harper's Bazaar magazine published in May 2011, Gaga discussed the recent appearance of horn-like ridges on her cheekbones, temples, and shoulders. When asked about the necessary makeup to attach the prosthetics, she responded, "They're not prosthetics, they're my bones." She also clarified that they were not the result of plastic surgery, believing such surgery to only be the modern byproduct of fame-induced insecurity to which she does not subscribe. Further probing by the interviewer only got her to state that they are an artistic representation of her inner inspirational light, part of the "performance piece" that is her musical persona, an inevitability of her becoming who she now is.[146] In view of Lady Gaga's influence on modern culture and her rise to global fame, . .

The woman is a shell for Satan.
Dark, occultic works are afoot among us.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Shalom y'all . . .

Here's an insight update for those who are tuning into this thread.

"Strange songstress Lady Gaga prompted many jaws to drop during the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night when she channeled her foul-mouthed, whisky-drinking, chain-smoking male alter-ago, Jo Calderone.

"She left me! She said it always starts out good and then the guys -- meaning me, I'm one of the guys -- we get crazy,
mazdatweaker   +1y
Well, shalom y'all, I hope you are well.

I pasted this whole article directly from Wikipedia:

==Hubal in Mecca==

Hubal most prominently appears at [[Mecca]], where an image of his was worshipped at the [[Kaaba]]. According to [[Karen Armstrong]], the sanctuary was dedicated to Hubal, who was worshipped as the greatest of the 360 idols the Kaaba contained, which probably represented the days of the year.<ref name=armstrong>{{cite book|pages=11|title=Islam: A Short History|author=Karen Armstrong|isbn=0-8129-6618-x|date=2000,2002}}</ref> According to [[Julius Wellhausen]] Hubal was regarded as the son of [[Allat|al-L?t]] and the brother of [[Wadd]].<ref>Wellhausen, 1926, p. 717, quoted in translation by [ Hans Krause]</ref>

[[Hisham Ibn Al-Kalbi]]'s ''Book of Idols'' describes the image as shaped like a human, with the right hand broken off and replaced with a golden hand.<ref name="moongod">{{cite web|url=|title=Hubal, the moon god of the Kaba|author=Brother Andrew||accessdate=2007-09-04}}</ref> According to Ibn Al-Kalbi, the image was made of red [[agate]], whereas [[Al-Azraqi]], an early Islamic commentator, described it as of "[[cornelian]] pearl". Al-Azraqi also relates that it "had a vault for the sacrifice" and that the offering consisted of a hundred camels. Both authors speak of seven arrows, placed before the image, which were cast for [[divination]], in cases of death, virginity and marriage.<ref name="moongod"/> According to Al-Azraqi, a man coming back from a journey would shave his hair and then circumambulate the Kaaba before going to his family.

According to Ibn Al-Kalbi, the image was first set up by Khuzaymah ibn-Mudrikah ibn-al-Ya's' ibn-Mudar, but another tradition, record by [[Ibn Ishaq]], holds that [[Amr ibn Luhayy]], a leader of the [[Quraysh (tribe)|Quraysh]], put an image of Hubal into the [[Kaaba]], where it was worshipped as one chief deities of the tribe.<ref>Hafiz Ghulam Sarwar, ''Muhammad The Holy Prophet'' (1969).</ref> The date for Amr is disputed, with dates as late as the end of the fourth century CE suggested, but what is quite sure is that the Quraysh became the protectors of the ancient holy place, supplanting the Khuza'a. There may be some foundation of truth in the story that Amr travelled in Syria and had brought back from there the cults of the goddesses [[Uzza|?Uzz??]] and [[Manah|Manat]], and had combined it with that of Hubal, the idol of the Khuza'a.<ref>Maxime Rodinson, 1961.</ref> According to Al-Azraqi, the image was brought to Mecca "from the land of Hit in Mesopotamia". [[Philip K. Hitti]], who relates the name ''Hubal'' to an Aramaic word for spirit, suggests that the worship of Hubal was imported to Mecca from the north of Arabia, possibly from [[Moab]] or [[Mesopotamia]].<ref>Hitti, ''[[History of the Arabs (book)|History of the Arabs]]'' 1937, p. 96-101.</ref> Outside South Arabia, Hubal's name appears just once, in a [[Nabataea]]n inscription;<ref>''Corpus Inscriptiones Semit.'', vol. II: 198; Jaussen and Savignac, ''Mission Arch
mazdatweaker   +1y
And here is some more information, for those who do not pay much attention to world events.

Why do you think "why are we bonbing the hate out of Libya?" Do you even know?

The ARABS (NOT EVERYONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST) are pushing to cover the walls of the mosque in Saudi Arabia with GOLD. They are pushing to require crude oil to be purchased only with gold. What do you think that will do to OUR ability to buy it? Libya's government was supporting the idea.

Mecca will be destroyed. WE are just target practicing right now.

Tell your Arabic speaking friends that the patience of the Eagle is about over. Try to explain to them that moon worship and the worship of things created by the hand of man is the worst kind of reverence you can offer anyone.
mazdatweaker   +1y
Shalom, here's an update.

I registered with the Federal Elections Committee today. Figured this country has had enough foolishness to last several lifetimes. I M ready for a 1000+year vacation from strife.

So now BOTH the Republicans and Democrats have someone who is an outsider to the system, who understands what the problems are, far better than they do. If all I do is stir up dialogue, that is a start. I M going to run my campaign on the Internet, so costs are minimal. I M way ahead of either party at this point, because as a human, I have placed a LOT of content already at my Youtube account . . . Kazoocruiser. Stay tuned.

So IF you want to support me for my bid for the title of President of the United States, you can send donations to either the Republican Party OR the Democratic Party on my behalf.

But ESPECIALLY be willing to place a vote.
Make sure you tell them it is for "Jonathan Michael Gilbert." They will have to account for it. I do not want to have any idea who has or what he or she contributed. I offered my expertise to BOTH sides . . . we will see if they respond.

Take care my friends. No matter what, I want to look back on my life and be able to say I was willing to invest my life in this dream I live. I don't even want their money. I want to see kids playing in playgrounds together, without fear of children walking into crowded rooms wired with explosives. They hate their own children. What makes you think they care about you?

mazdatweaker   +1y
Shalom everyone who reads this.

I know this is a cultural corner for all things truck, and a lot of hard working people have been robbed of their wealth while they have been trying to do things to help others. This has appeared almost overnight, but there is a shrine dedicated to Astrology in Babylon, which until it is destroyed, will continue to plague this planet and all of its inhabitants with the four horsemen.

The tower of Babylon was destroyed by God. The Shrine called the Ka'aba is the problem, not the people that are so sickened by drinking the arsenic laced water at the idol.

Here is an interesting take on this from a space dock about 30 miles outside of Earth's orbit. You really owe it to yourself to become educated in the ways of the Holy One of Israel.

What I know, the UN didn't know at its creation.

Shalom for now, my friends in the Messiah Y'sha (Jesus)..

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baha   +1y
baha   +1y
I decided to lock this thread, religion is a prohibited topic for this forum.
baha   +1y