It would be really sad to see the MazdaTruckin site go away permanently. I've lurked in the MazdaBScene site before, but was just more used to the MT site and had posted my build threads there.
I agree with the sentiment to pitch in and buyout the bas**rd to swooped up the domain from K6, but I'll tell you I'd much rather find him in a dark alley, if you know what I mean. Usually there's a 30 day grace on the domain name, and as the original registrar, K6 should be able to get it back quickly and easily. I've let a few of our domains lag before (reminder emails were going to a guy who no longer worked for us...) and it was easy to re-register.
Anyway, I thought the WayBack Machine might be handy to some of us - it's an archive of the (entire) Internet, with captures on various dates. Unfortunately, the last capture of mazdatruckin was on Apr 29, 2011. Not all the links etc will work, but it's handy for going back and referencing previous posts for info etc. Just go to and click take me back, then click the blue circle around Apr 29, 2011 and it will open up the archive of the site from that day. Then you should be able to click through most of the forum etc.