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General Discussion \  anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

General Discussion
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following 54
emjay   +1y
Spoke to K6 again, he said that the name is currently locked, can't be bought back. I have no idea really, so im just gonna sit back for now. I encourage others to enjoy this forum, its a cool place to hang. I have a reduced version of my build threads here.
rg2200   +1y
It would be really sad to see the MazdaTruckin site go away permanently. I've lurked in the MazdaBScene site before, but was just more used to the MT site and had posted my build threads there.

I agree with the sentiment to pitch in and buyout the bas**rd to swooped up the domain from K6, but I'll tell you I'd much rather find him in a dark alley, if you know what I mean. Usually there's a 30 day grace on the domain name, and as the original registrar, K6 should be able to get it back quickly and easily. I've let a few of our domains lag before (reminder emails were going to a guy who no longer worked for us...) and it was easy to re-register.

Anyway, I thought the WayBack Machine might be handy to some of us - it's an archive of the (entire) Internet, with captures on various dates. Unfortunately, the last capture of mazdatruckin was on Apr 29, 2011. Not all the links etc will work, but it's handy for going back and referencing previous posts for info etc. Just go to and click take me back, then click the blue circle around Apr 29, 2011 and it will open up the archive of the site from that day. Then you should be able to click through most of the forum etc.
cab+rider   +1y
I just visited and it looks like an advertisement listing of certain things. I clicked on several of the Mazda listing title threads and it keeps repeating the same advertisement listing. Go figure...
dan woodland   +1y
As others have mentioned above it sucks that all that great information is gone, hopefully not for ever, so links we had stored to "look at later" are not going to help very much now...

Hopefully as we learn this site and such we can find similar data or those that posted may be apt to re-post here - yea I know that is a real long shot but you never ever know.
Cusser   +1y
Right, I had saved useful-to-me links in a Word document, never saving the complete text/photos because I "knew" that MT site had server/backups !!!

I had saved my engine rebuild stuff as a PDF on my own computer, but can't upload that here.
ulrich   +1y
From Facebook.

MT has died and risen from the ashes before. It may come back to life yet.

I think I'll keep copies of significant posts from now on. This letting stuff get lost in the cloud is weak.
rg2200   +1y

Remember that you can use the 'Wayback Machine' as I posted above to lookup a lot of stuff that was on the MT site, since it was archived by the wayback machine on The wayback machine might be very useful until the MT site is back online, if you need to look up an old post (prior to Apr 2011) for info.
rg2200   +1y

emjay, something to pass on to K6 - whoever is doing the actual hosting of the website (looks like Internap from Seattle based on the current IP address returned by DNS) should be able to provide him with FTP access to download/archive the entire site. In theory, K6 should be able to register a new domain ( for example, which is actually already register to K6), then have the company doing the site hosting just redirect the new domain name to the existing site and it will be up, albeit under a new domain name. I would say that this is the secondary option, since getting back would be the primary. But, if the a$$hole who scooped it up and is apparently holding K6 ransom for doesn't want to give it up, or is just looking for quick $ buyout to give it up, then K6 should be able to get the hosting company to just redirect the site.
emjay   +1y
K6 has told me that all the information on the forum is still saved on the server, and that he did try to purchase the name back on a number of occasions. The problem is that he is being locked from purchasing the name back. If anyone has any idea how he can purchase the name from the moron that is locking it (or has information that shows otherwise) please do share and I'll forward it to him. I will also link this thread over to him so he can go over it and offer input.

speaking of which, I have threads to clean up where I am badmouthing him
pantharen   +1y

No worries Mike, life happens at the worst times