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General Discussion \  anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

General Discussion
views 22047
replies 222
following 54
lydia   +1y
Okay who broke the forum?! You guys will do anything to get away from my dumb questions, huh?
Cusser   +1y

At least they allowed your photo, Lydia !!!
lydia   +1y
Censorship of the cruelest kind! you should start a petition.
91extcab   +1y
K6 didn't pay the domain bill so out was lights out for mazdatruckin
2slow89   +1y
Not gonna lie. Don't dig the setup of this site as much. Email me if truckin comes back online. . Got a big build comin up. And waldonbuddy! If your on here. Deffinately email me. I'd like to stay in touch!
91extcab   +1y
This one is by far easier to navigate, use and is even slightly modifiable...
Cusser   +1y
I use the "View Active Threads" command, but have no idea what's considered "active".

I think there's too many categories in the Forums, don't really know where to look first.

I can't even figure out where certain topics should legitimately be, like in what Forum Topic should an AC question be? Certainly not in Engine General, Engine 1.6L, Engine 1.8L, Engine 2.0L, Engine 2.2L, Engine 2.6L, Engine Diesel, Exterior, Interior ? Definitely not in Audio - Interior, Exterior, Engine Performance, Engine Swaps, Lowering Static, Lifting Static, Adjustable Suspension, Wheels - Tires. Maybe in General Tech???
axel breaker earl   +1y

That would go in the "Repair Tech" forum I would think, under sub-forum "Engine 2.2L" if it is a B2200 truck.

BScene is really set up for the customized trucks which is OK for me even though I'm a "stock" kind of guy....there are some very nice trucks on here for sure, but most all will be lowered and tricked out, so for me, they're nice to see and I do appreciate the effort involved, but again, I kinda like 'em plain old stock mostly.

Hey this deal with MT might just expand our horizons by hanging out here!!
Who knows.......I might just might start to "get into" the whole "Chop, Drop, Bag, & Drag" thing! I could blow some minds if I started describing how I laid frame on I-75 in the red regular cab truck!
86sundowner   +1y
Well it sucks that MT is down! but I am glad we have Mazdabscene, and I am glad a lot of us are here. Where is Brian and Waldon?
sincitylocal   +1y

Dropping and Dragging is beneath you.

Besides, we're too old to be able to get out of a truck that low.
Unless we can figure out a way to install one of these.