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General Discussion \  anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

anyone here also a member of mazdatruckin

General Discussion
views 22042
replies 222
following 54
lydia   +1y
There are a lot of forums here... I thought that there were a lot on MT because of the way they were divided up into generations, but now I'm realizing how helpful that was.

So if the domain name expired and some douche bought it and is squatting on it, then can he buy another domain name and publish the site to that? Seems reasonable.
axel breaker earl   +1y

Brian knows about this forum......he's probably a member here also......Waldon is as well, his member name is "mtrain" and he has a thread on his twin turbo truck as well.
axel breaker earl   +1y

I'm going to save this day I may need it!

Smiley's are better here!
col. sanders   +1y

91extcab   +1y

You could setup a bag system to air out by remote when you arm an alarm or lock the doors, air back up on disarm or
91extcab   +1y
Oh and active threads at the bottom has an option for it's search, default it shows threads that have been posted on in the last 7 days, but way it shows are all threads that have had replies in the last so many days as opposed to threads that have only had replies since the last time you looked at a thread
mtrain   +1y
Yes waldonbuddy is here. My name on this forum is M-train, which is what it used to be on MT, but I forgot my password, so I ended up going to a backup name, waldonbuddy.

Although it does kinda suck as I had more stuff listed on my build than I do here.
Post was last edited on Jan 18, 2012 11:01. This post has been edited 1 times.
winslow33   +1y
Maybe with all these new members from mazdatruckin, the CHAT feature here will get some use again
Cusser   +1y
Shhh !!! I'm starting a relationship with the MazdaTruckin default message girl
thread post photo
baha   +1y