I am back in north Carolina, we recently were finally able to afford to get our own place so making sure stuff is paid for and that I'm getting as many hours at work as i can has taken all my time since shortly getting back here from Washington. My truck and trailer project are still sitting at Cortnye's grandma's house, I've done nothing to either, nor have i even touched the xb. We haven't completely unpacked, but we don't really have any more room, unless we can invest in a small shed, or if i can make something, but that's not even a priority right now. I am going to look into picking up a 10 day permit for the purpose of "getting my truck inspected so it can be relicensed". I'm going to use that to be able to drive my truck to the new place, and I'm having withdrawls... I need to drive my truck some while the weather is still nice, and while i have the permit... I think i may drive it to work a few days