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Mazda Engine General \  replaced headgasket, what could it be now?????

replaced headgasket, what could it be now?????

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
views 1589
replies 14
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valiant   +1y

I replaced the headgasket on my 87 B2000 and turns out it had a cracked head, pushing compression into the cooling system. so... I went a got a head and put it on there with a new headgasket. Then it didnt smoke, yes!! until I pushed on the gas, then puff, here comes the smoke. The head I put on there was perfect, and there was no loss of pressure in the engine. Only thing me and my father could think of is that the intake manifold was cracked somewhere. SO, I went and got a intake manifold. took the carb off for a 4th time and replaced it.

I went and started up my truck and it was smoking like a blown headgasket again. DANG Truck. I let it run thinking maybe some water got into the cylinders when I took the intake off. when it got dark, I drove the truck around awhile, cuase the neighbors hate when I move the truck before.

when I was driving it, it stopped smoking, I was so excited, but as I rounded a turn, crap, more smoke, but it wasnt like water smoke. My dad says it was blue, i couldnt see what color. I do need to adjust the rockers or valves, cuase they tick a lot, but it shouldnt smoke this bad.

It smokes the worse the harder the gas pedal is pushed down. it does not smoke at an idle, (it idles high cuase we just havnt set it yet). It is just so irritating cuase I have put about 400-600 into this stupid motor and I am about to just start parting it out. I would rather fix it to sell, its not my mazda, just one I picked up to fix and sell for some extra cash, HAH, like that could happen.

If anyone has any suggestion, please help me. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could offer any help.
midnightmike   +1y
sorry to say this my friend, your rings are gone, mine did the same it got really bad after a while, i ended up using 4 liters of oil a day, your best bet is a used motor which might have the same problem, or a full rebuild
valiant   +1y
wouldnt fuel be getting into the oil if the rings were bad? It has real good compression, number 2 cylinder is a little lower then the other three but it is still in the acceptable range. I thought if it had good compression, that the rings were good. the truck only has 120k miles on it. I sure hope its not the rings, cuase when I had the motor out of the truck and replaced the seals on the lower end of the motor, i could have just took out the pistons and put new rings on it.
midnightmike   +1y
u might be able to swap just the rings but it might not last to long, did u make sure the seals on the new head were good?
valiant   +1y
yep seals were good on the new head. I used a felpro headgasket. I just really dont think its the rings. My dad says it looked blue, but to me its looks like black and white mixed, not just grey. it starts black but gets lighter. I will have more info when its light out so I can actually drive the truck further to see just what is comming out.

I might have my father adjust the valves and junk and then dump some seafoam into it while its running to clear the carbon off the used head. I'll have more info tommarow. I'll also talk to my dad about the rings and see what he thinks.
nytrdr24   +1y

it sounds just like mine did.....combination of bad valve seals & a broken piston ring.....smokes like a sombiatch at first then goes away till you get on it good then it pores out like an old coal burning buddies used to say i could get a part time job for the county killing mosquitoes.......

does it still have the cat attached to the exhaust manifold?...they are bad about spilling thier guts & stopping up the rest of the exhaust, then causing problems like this....
valiant   +1y
yep, it still has the cat attached to the manifold. I know one of the cats went bad cuase the fisrt headgasket I put on, the head held up for awhile, but you should have seen the stuf comming out of the exhuast. I put a garbage can against the tailpipe and thick black chunks stuck to the can and a thick black residue. its not comming out now, but I am sure whatever was broken off from that cat was blown out.

This is a truck I am selling. I dont want a quick fix that will hold up till I sell it, cuase I am not that kind of person. if I cant sell a good vehichle, I wont sell it. Or at least sell it telling the people what is exactly wrong with it that I know of.

It doesnt smoke too bad, not like a train. The smoke only lasts about 1 1/2 feet out the tail pipe then disipates, this is only when it is reved all the way up, when your driving it looks like a car that was started up on a cold day, in the morning, ya know. Its not too bad that you cant drive it, just kind of annoying and frustrating that I put all this work and it still smokes. Maybe it is just the adjustments on the valves and rockers

robbie   +1y
do a compression test then put a squirt of oil on top of each cylinder and do it again and see if your compression goes up that will tell you if you rings are bad.
valiant   +1y
I talked to my father and he told me the rings are good, according to the compresion test he performed. He is a mechanic working on the humvees and trucks that go to iraq. I really think my valve seals may have dried up and cracked. It doesnt smoke when you hear the lifters then as soon as the noise goes away (oil finally gets to the top of the head) its puffs out smoke. I have new valve seals from the top end kit, but i didnt put them in becuase I thought the head just came off the truck, it was sitting on a shelf for awhile.

I am waiting for my father to get home so we can replace them or he can show me how to.
thanks for the help. I will let you guys know how it goes.
madmazda   +1y
Let us know!!