immortal1 (linn)
Before you buy a new battery, can I offer a few simple test? Do you own a volt meter and a cordless drill (12v or 14.4v)? I believe your 83 has an external regulator. My 87 is running an internal regulator on the alternator. But this test should work eitherway.
What I did was start the truck normally (assuming the battery is charged enough to do this), then once the truck is running I connected the volt meter to the battery terminals (13.9v). Then I disconnected the negative terminal from the battery (14.9 to 15.5v - range is because the regulator is searching for a stable voltage to regulate how much the alternator puts out). Then I connected the charged battery from the cordless drill (verify which terminal is positive & negative with volt meter) to the battery cables (not car battery terminals) and the volt meter stabilized at 14.2v. Then, 1 at a time, I turned on all the factory accessories (headlights, blower motor, wipers, turn signals, radio - no pumps). voltage stayed at 3.7 volts with everything turned on, engine on high idle and only the cordless drill battery hooked up. If I could keep the drill battery from bouncing around, I should be able to drive around the block with the car battery still in the garage. If your truck can pass this test your car battery has a short. If it fail this test, it is unlikely you need a new car battery.