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Mazda Engine General \  92 FI b2200 sputtering

92 FI b2200 sputtering

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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mazda_matteo   +1y
Ok i just picked up a 92 FI b2200 and it runs ok when cold but when it warms up it will sputter or stall when u press on the gas. The previous owner said it is the fuel pump but i wanna make sure. Its got 240,000 km and was rebuilt 80,000km ago and i got it for $700 canadian so i couldnt pass it up!:) thanks for the help!
nytrdr24   +1y
check or replace the fuel filters, first, then if that doesn't work, the next step would be to see if the pump is acutally the problem......are there any other symptoms, is it smoking any? had it sat for a while?
mazdatweaker   +1y
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Post was last edited on May 14, 2009 02:05. This post has been edited 1 times.
maz   +1y
I had a similar problem on my 93 fi Turned out it was the in tank strainer (filter) Clogged full of rust, put in a new one and didn't have a problem.
You still have to get into the tank though.

Ps check the wiring on the pump in the tank, I also had a broken wire somehow in tank
mazda_matteo   +1y
ok thanks man i will makes sure to check both the fuel filters. The engine seemed to be really hot too and maybe over heating but the temp gauge was around normal. Did this happen to yours aswell?
maz   +1y
hmmm if the guage says it is ok it should be but check the coolant level and if you can check the sending unit on the block. I thought it was an ignition problem but it was just the filter
mazda_matteo   +1y
Ok so I spent some time working on the truck today and it seems the fuel pump and the fuel filters arent the problem. I disconected outlet of the fuel filter under the hood and when I cranked it plenty of fuel was getting pumped through. Its having a really hard time starting but when it does the engine will idle really really high and randomly rev or slow down without touching the gas pedal. But when u do press the gas it will loose power and quit. Im starting to think it has to be some kind of computer problem. Any sugestions?
southernrazed   +1y
just because gas comes out means need to chec the pressurs and refrence them to a haynes your trucks have an idle air contorl valve?..clean your throttlebody with tBcleaner get engine hot and spray this crap in the tb and air bypass chambers while its running.. start simple.
mazda_matteo   +1y
ok i sprayed some carb cleaner in the throttle body but it didnt seem to help much. I cant check the fuel pressure right now cause i dont have a pressure gauge but perhaps i will pick one up sometime this week. Is there anything else i should be lookin out for?
maz   +1y
If it is the in tank filter ( screen ) It will slowly plug the screen and reduce flow untill it restricts it and you take your foot of the pedal which will reduce the demand for fuel. Think of a vacuum when you plug it you turn it off.......same idea