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Mazda Engine General \  Starting Trouble!!!

Starting Trouble!!!

Mazda Engine General Mazda Engine Mazda Tech
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replies 34
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slammed83mazda   +1y
were to start I will make it quick

So today tryed to go start the 83 and it barely even cranked. I think WTF!!! Its got a brand new battery in it, literally no more than 2 weeks old.

So im like okay lets test the batter I put it on a battery charger and every time I tryed to put it on the charger it kep saying fully charger so im like okay.

I started tracking stuff down. I came across a relay for the starter I pulled it off and a bunch of dirt and filth came out, so I think clean it you will be okay. No after cleaning it the truck wouldnt even try to crank. So thats no biggie, a new relay no big deal.

My question is.................why does the truck read a perfect charge but barellllllllllly trys to crank...

Someone mentioned battery cables. I will replace the + cable end. But the starter is brand new literally only used for 3 weeks.

The alternator is kinda weakish but what the hell the truck should still crank if the battery is brand new.
hocbj23   +1y
Been cold?what weight oil u running?Check the grounds and be sure they are clean and tight.New batteries have been known to go bad but I doubt it.BJ
slammed83mazda   +1y

yes it has been pretty cold, but it started to warm up today. We been averaging 20s last couple weeks and today it peaked at 50.

I just replaced the main ground wire.

Regular 10w 30
thebeaumartin   +1y
if the wires are coroated thay cause a drain in the battery like leaving your lights on and could cause you to not get full power to your starter..
hex0rz   +1y
Ok, lets establish some things first, just for my sake...

1. Your battery is good and fully charged. We can also know this if you use a DMM and test the voltage on the battery. It should read 12.4-12.9 volts I believe. Any less then your alt. is'nt charging it good enough.

2. You therefore must have lights on in the dash, and headlights work fine, etc. Does your lights dim when cranking?

3. When cranking is it just a "click" noise, or is it trying to turn over but does'nt have the firing sound?

4. Your oil is of right viscosity. My truck will have a hard cranking in single digit and below weather but eventually on the 3rd or so time it will crank.

5. Make sure that your battery terminals are free of corrosion and that your ground cable is of adequate size and is ground to bare metal.

Let me know on a yes/no basis.
slammed83mazda   +1y

Good list bro tomm asap I will be sure to check all of this out like turning the head lights on and what not.....

No the first time I tryed to start it, it would act normal you no the casual stuff but just act like the battery is dead.

I am making a check list as we speak about this.

THANKS fellas for the quick and good info replys.
hex0rz   +1y
Errrm... wait, one more thing to ask!

So when you were cranking it sounded normal and it got progressively worse like it was dying or was it just a weak try of turning over?
slammed83mazda   +1y

Bingo. But everytime I threw the battery on the charger thinking it was dead, it kep saying FULL CHARGE so I was clueless
hex0rz   +1y
OK! Well, I would only say 3 things here then...

1. Your battery is no good, despite it being new

2. Your battery cables, specifically your ground cable is no good.
OR a combo of this and:
3. The terminals are corroded.

Although, that definitely is a first for hearing that.

I'm putting my money on #1. lol... wait, 2? NO, 3! Wait, all 3?

BTW, do you have a digital multimeter? If so use it to test battery voltage as it sits now and refer to my first post.

If it checks out good then refer to:
-Then as you are testing it, have someone crank it. If the voltage drops rreeeeally low like over 3-4 volts your wires are probably no good. But I cant say since I can't see them..

futrao   +1y
the same thing happened with my truck the other day but it was cause was really cold -40c and i was thinking my battery just die but after it got a lil hotter i tried to start it and it started fine