OK: (1) Is starter physically spinning the engine when you stry to start it?
(2) When you turn the key to the "on" position do your dashboard lights come on? If not, fix this; if this works, with the key in the "on" position see if there is positive voltage to the positive side of the coil. If not fix this. If you do get voltage there, and coil, distributor, wires, plugs are all correctly installed, go to (3).
(3) To run, once engine is spinning at appropriate speed, an engine must have spark and fuel. Pull off a spark plug wire at the plug, and stick into it a screw of appropriate size to make contact. Put on a cloth glove, hold that wire so screw is about 3/16 inch from engine metal, and have a helper try to start the engine (caution with fan and blades). If ignition system is working, a visible spark will jump as the engine spins. So if you get spark and no starting, go to (4)
(4) Re-connect spark plug wire, prime the carb with a little fuel or starting fluid, and try to start. If the issue is fuel-related, the engine should run for a few seconds (maybe rough, though) when primed.