See, i wanna be this low... I already knew you flipped the balljoints but left them pointed down though... so when y'all say mono leaf, you guys actually mean MONO (as in only one) LEAF or do you mean MONOLEAF with helper?
leave in the longest leaf, and also the thick short leaf, (that's your overload spring). Most believe the long leaf by itself may break, so most leave in the overload spring as well...yet still call it monoleaf :p
did you jack the truck up while you were doing this? i'm assuming you didn't, but next time you need to relieve the pressure from the torsions before you go adjusting them, especially to raise it back up. jack the truck up
yeah i had the main and overload leafs then took the overload leaf off got about another 1-1.5 inch drop..... should be good as long as you dont beat on it alot