Thanks for all the input guys!! This is probably what i'm gonna go with whenever i get around to buyin the billet.... My dog has a rash or somethin so he's gotta come first before my truck
everybody keeps sayin that you need to move the signals to the bumper. you dont have to move anything thats where the signlas are at already. the corners are just running lights.
And another update..... I got the truck off jacksatnds.... FINALLY. So this is what it looks like on the ground!!! haha. And a couple of the headlights on. The projectors and bumper lights arent wired in yet. I'll work on that some other time
when i had my 89 one of the first things i did was swap the driving lights with the turn signals. so my corners were the turn signals and the bumper lights were the driving lights. i guess i just forgot.