I can understand broke for sure, but you cannot expect quality with inferior products. The trizact kit is not what I used, but you can purchase that kit for $100 flat from any paint store or online. It comes with Compound,Swirl polish,Glaze, P3000 and P1500 sandpaper enough to do 1-2 cars. Microfiber rags and a DA sanding pad with Soft interface pad which stop the DA from burning through paint edges. Add a little water to the pad and your set. Comes with directions if needed.
Now for the do it yourself budget guy, I still am that way for anything other then paint work. You will need 3m swirl removed,compound perferably Perfect III or 3000 and some finishing glaze. You will also need 4-6 Microfiber rags. Terry cloths work but scratch. A compounding pad,polishing pad and a Glazing pad. Now for Sandpaper I would recommend never allowing 800-1000 touching your truck unless over a large paint run. I use 1500 and 2000 only. Costs of all this is around 100-120 on Ebay.
No matter what way you go, you will need a variable speed Polisher/buffer. 1800RPM is the perfect setting. Now if money is an issue, go to home-depot buy a buffer and return it when done lol.