Are you going to wetsand by block/hand? or by a DA? If hand and you use 1500 and finish with 2000-3000 Grit paper. You will start your buffing with a Compounding pad, this will remove the haze look,sand scratches for most part. You need to buff in a continuous motion from left/right at 1800RPM. The compound i use is called 3m Perfect 3000 EXTRA CUT.
After you have done this step, I usually wash the complete car done if outside to make sure all compound is gone from all seams,cracks etc.
After dry you will need to change the compounding pad on buffer to a polishing pad usually BLACK. You will also need a 3m or any other brands polish with it. This step is what will remove nearly all of the fine scratches/swirl marks. 1800RPM again. At this step I do panel to panel finishing. I will have 2 Microfiber rags with me. So after I am done the panel I will rub smooth. Splatter will get onto finished panel sometimes, but just wipe off .
You will now be ready for the final step, glazing. I do this by DA, but by hand is fine. You need 2 microfiber cloths for this aswell. 1 for wiping on and one for polishing out glaze. After that you are all but done, if you have a problem area after complete just follow same steps. Be careful on edges with buffer.
If you need part numbers of recommened products just let me know.