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project: low dime

S10 Projects
views 16349
replies 105
following 14
maz89   +1y
it's a metal bar with a "U" shape at the end of it...... you can rent one from somewhere like autozone, just have to leave them a deposit and you get it back when you return it......
lucky13   +1y
i was removing my blower box today and when i took it apart their was like a mini radiator in it. with a red and black hose running to it, so i cut the hoses because i had to remove the blower box and radiator fluid leaked out of them, the lines ran from the top of the engine block can i just plug them up since im no longer having heat/air?

p.s ill go to advanced auto tommorow and see if i can borrow one.
lucky13   +1y
maz89   +1y
no, don't plug them off, those hoses are the "to" and "return" lines for the heater core, just shorten them and tie them intogether so the antifreeze can still flow through them
lucky13   +1y
dragginncrds   +1y
theres a thing called after market control arms and spindles...the hell with all that damb rust..
lucky13   +1y
well got the sumbitches off after i used the balljoint splitter tool...
thanks doordragger!

i know about aftermarket control arms, but im 16 and cant affored them, plus im sure once i wire wheel the rust on my stockers and paint em up they will look good.

so now that i have em off, this is what ive been told to do to mod my stock ones.

*on the lowers cut the humps off both sides and fill em in
*pie cut the uppers then let it lay out with a jack and tack them, then fully weld them

do i need drop spindles to lay 18" wheels? or can i use my stock ones????
lucky13   +1y
today i pie cut the upper control arms and cut the humps off the lowers...
thread post photo

tommorow is welding time.
maz89   +1y
what are you using to replate everything with? (thickness)
lucky13   +1y
im gonna wire wheel everything to bare metal, the frame will be coated with some sorta bed liner or por-15 and the other parts will be stripped to metal and painted, would get them powder coated but its not worth it.