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project: low dime

S10 Projects
views 16351
replies 105
following 14
gettinlow85s10   +1y
lookin good... i understand the whole, "i have no money, i'm 16" type thing... i got no truck now, i just sold my 85 s10, the 89 mazda of mine gets sold saturday hopefully... project looks good. arms look good.
lucky13   +1y
that sucks dude.

well i got one side done today...lots of pictures on the progress.

first off, i started by assembling the arms, had to remove the lower and cut a few places off the hump a little lower.
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puttin the wheel on.

slowly bending my uppper control arm...
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it worked!
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still need to notch the frame for the tie rods.
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once i get drop spindles this beeyach will lay hard!
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gettinlow85s10   +1y
the next dweebo... that thing gonna be driven static?
lucky13   +1y

its gonna be bagged
maz89   +1y
? which way did the tip of the uppers bend to? they look like they bent upwards?
dragginncrds   +1y
haha i kno the feelin of no money... im 18 got 2 jobs and am still broke... that and theres a possibility i could get my license revoked because im a fuckin idiot so im bout to pay the state of NC a assload of money.. so yeah i kno the broke feelin
maz89   +1y
man, I'm the brokest man in 3 states! I ain't even got enough money to BE broke!
lucky13   +1y
no, they bent down, prolly just the picture angle.

lmao, were all broke mutha fuggers!
cluster   +1y
looks like a fun project ;]
pig rig   +1y
damn son you got a lot of rust your going to make a small investment in wire wheels

FYI just a heads up you will need to replace all your tie rods so you can get it to go back together because for as bad as the stock ball joint were I know the tie rods are junk. if I remember right for all tie rods and ball joints it cost me $150