first ... MAX POWER ONLY MEANS THAT AMOUNT OF POWER FOR 1/1000TH OF A SECOND. TO GET POWER YOU NEED VOLTAGE. the voltage in a 90 corolla is probably only 55amps at the alternator. and the car probably uses 45-50amp constantly. which only leaves 5-10 amps of play room. if you honestly want to add that kind of power (over 300-400 watts which is needed to push a 15" sub) you would need to either add a battery or two, and get an alternator upgrade, and battery isolator to charge the second battery.
second.... bridging only means (at the amp) it is changing the amount of available outputs on the amp from (4 to 3) (4 to 2) (2 to 1) etc.
when changing the ohm load of speakers you are either running them in parallel (lowering impedanceby going pos. to pos. and neg. to neg) or running them in series (raising impedance by going pos. speaker a to amp, neg speaker a to pos. speaker b, neg speaker b to amp)
you can series/parallel speakers to get the desired ohm load you are looking for to push the amp as hard as it is designed to go or harder. you can't bridge a MONO amp (mono means one) how can you got from one channel to 1/2 channel???? yes most mono amps are designed to make the amp push the most power just by changing the impedance of the ohm load of the speakers.
my thoughts on the original question are as follows:
you lack sufficient power to properly run the amp. that is the reason your amp keeps cutting off. it doesn't have enough voltage to keep itself going. change the ground wire to 4ga and run it less than 3 feet from the amp. if you add a second battery to your system, then ground that battery no more than 3 feet from where you place it. changing your ground does nothing but wastes your time because you aren't fixing the problem, you are moving the amp but keeping everything else the same. everytime you change your ground you are also running a greater risk of introducing radiated noise into the system (alternator whine). find a good spot to ground the amp and do it. check voltage at the main battery with car on and system hitting (probably will read 11volts maybe more maybe less) then check voltage at the amp(will read 11 volts then steadily decline) check voltage at amp once amp cuts off (should read less than 10 volts.)
eureka you have solved your problem....NOT ENOUGH POWER.....