So, Interesting, I got my alternator rebuilt today... Installed it, Hooked up my stereo, Started the truck Vwalla, Its running running great hooked up my electric choke, turned off, Grabbed my meter and its charging, I was stoked!! ANyway drove it around went and took it to dinner with the girlfriend, Drove it around town hit switches a lil bit, Started running hot so I came home, Pulled it into my driveway, Turned it off, Let it cool down, Opened up the radiator, Rusty yucky water came out, So I unhooked the lower rad hose, Flushed it with the hose, Cleaned it out really well, Hooked it back up, Filled it up with distilled water and coolant, Went into the truck turned the key....Nothing...Nothing at all no stereo no nothing, Got out checked main fuses all good, Battery 12.7 volts, fuses inside the truck all good, Ignition shows voltage, Wtf man, This is such crap If not one thing its another, I need to start driving this truck so I put less miles on my Nitro and saves me on gas as well, Anyone have any clues?