So, Tonight, Im driving along, Full lift mind you, So Im up there like a stock truck, Music is on but not louad at all, Bass is all the way down, Just cruising along going home from dropping a movie off at Blockbuster, Im turning left at a light as a cop is turning right onto the street Im on. He stares at me like a mothertrucker, Mind you the ONLY thing bad about the trucks appearance is the fact it has old primer, EVerything else is fine ALL the lights work, All rims have center caps, Everything, So as I turn left, I see this cop hang a right to circle around the block to get behind me, So Im driving and there is a Focus behind me, and sure enough that cop is right there, I had to get gas anyway (A full tank for the first time) So I pulled into the gas station to pump, At this point he cant pull me over because I have done nothing wrong, He continues on, I feel as though he is no longer there Im done pumping, So I pull out the Gas staion, And Im at the stop light, Oddly enough that same cop pulled the Focus over, He looks at the light, see's me, Jogs back to his car, My light turns green, I go, He smashes around the car he pulled over to get behind me, Mind you EVERYTHING about my truck is legal, Tags are current, Its insured, Tires are good, Im at full lift, And my exhaust is stock quiet. He is riding my ass to no avail, Literally like a foot behind me, Im a dick so I tapped my brakes to let him know, Get the fu_k off my ass. As I turn right on my st, he doesnt follow but drives like a mile an hour staring at me, As though upset he couldnt find anything visually wrong with my truck that he had no reason to pull me over. It upsets me I have done nothing wrong AT ALL, and yet Im still looked at by the police as though, Im some thug asshole kid in a mini truck reaking havoc, It pisses me off, Anyway thats my rant