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Mazda Projects \  Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Mazda Projects
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slammedyota91   +1y
Also thanks Seth and Todd for the interior plastics, I still need a center console so if anyone has one PLEASE let me know... I painted those panels black that you got me seth, they look alright? Havent replaced em all yet though, Oh well soon enough.
toddluck   +1y
no problem bro
slammedyota91   +1y
I need to cry, My truck is not in order AGAIN!Everythings all well, Driving it all day, Got some dinner went to show a friend the system, and while leaving he said lay it out, I did and just so happens there was a dip it caught my skin and made the truck hop causing the lowest point of my valve to get hit and torn out of my air tank leaving me laid competely out in the middle of the street, Bussy came and literally drug my truck into a parking spot, took the system out and pulled all the fuses, nobody is stealing my shit! Hoping tomorrow to get under it and replace the fitting, I dont know what Im going to do to get the broke brass out of the tank, Im at a loss, Im so frustratedd right now
lofosho86   +1y
Damn bro!Sounds like you have my kind of luck,SHITTY!!Hope you get it fixed and dont have any more problems out of it!
toddluck   +1y
that suxx man
hex0rz   +1y
MAN! I guess this is how you'll get to work out all the kinks for your truck?
lowb2200   +1y
That really sux man good luck getting that out
toddluck   +1y
well marcus this might cheer you up...LOOK UNDER YOUR NAME....LOL
slammedyota91   +1y
IU saw that Im happier now, I just wish for the best toorrow on getting it back together
toddluck   +1y
sorry your having so many problems latley bro