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Mazda Projects \  Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Just got my first mazda.Sold :(

Mazda Projects
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slammedyota91   +1y
tonight after work im going to go hopefully get some of the glass filler stuff and apply the first coat on my bed, and im going to start on the s10's fenders, gotta get some work done on it lol, its feelin a lil left out..
toddluck   +1y
markkkkkus if you need any pointers let me know a body workin fool ask my ol lady ...she has no complaints...well except to the mailman
twisted minis   +1y
Man, I'll give you this, you're braver than I am. I would be intimidated by finding that.
slammedyota91   +1y
i am intimidated lol, dont get me wrong im going into it headstrong lol, its all i have going for me haha, thanks todd, ill see if i need help, im pretty confident on doing this, so im going into it with that attitude lol hopefully while in it ill still have that attitude, never learn less you do it right? trial and error!!!
twisted minis   +1y
Well you definitely have the attitude to succeed. Lets all hope you do. I'm sure you can. It just takes more patience than I have.
slammedyota91   +1y
lol yea, i hope so i hav patientce besides i expect my truck to be outta the garage until spring so time is all i have lol, thanks everyone again
doubledamnit   +1y

ha, yeah its one of those moments where
you let out a long 'fuuuuuck' under your breath.

but hey we all have the upmost faith in you slammedyota,
so tear that bitch up man.
pont   +1y
It looks like they welded in new panels and did not grind the welds down very much. if that is the case you can grind them down some and then use a good fiberglass filler. Do you have any pics of the bed side.
slammedyota91   +1y
page 30 i think are the bed side pics if you go from like 28 forward is all the body work pics, the welds arent ground down all the way and im gonna use the fiberglass filler on the bed, im not touching the cab just yet, one of my buddies is coming over tomorrow and were gonna see what we can to to fix the cab problem
lofosho86   +1y
good luck bro!wish you all the best <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" alt="8)" title="Cool" /><!-- s8) -->