so far ive been teaching myself, with some help from the sceners, its not too hard (well not fiberglass and bondo stuff) it jus takes time and patience.
just gotta not be afraid of trying it. lol you saw my outcome so far lol that was me trying haha, learn as you go
thanks guys, my buddy is buying me my tail fillers for my bday (2 weeks) so soon they will be installed and i will work on this portion of the body again
the reason being is that your bedside is not a flat piece,
so as you sand youll create flat spots with the rigid block.
if you get the flexible one though you can do some proper cross hatching
and get yourself a glass smooth finish, just hold your block at a fourty five degree angle and make a pass like this ////// then one like this \\\\\\,
keep making these x marks until youre happy with the result
hmm didnt know to go back the other way i was only going like this //// not \\\\, thanks bro. I wanna keep the 18" straight though, i will look for a flexible one, any sites you can direct me to?
that eighteen will be great for your body line.
you might want to try the eastwood site for a flexible board,
theyre kinda spendy though, you could probably find something cheaper locally at a body supply shop,
lol dude $70.00 might be spendy, but in all reality, would pay for itself soon enough with all the use i would be putting to it, lol. it would save me tons in labor lol, anyway, i will save up and buy one soon!! thanks again man
most people just look the other way and take shortcuts instead of buying the right tools ive noticed, and in the end it just results in headaches and anger.