hey man please dont do the trailer ball thing cause alot of rides have gotten messed up lately due to the balls breaking off just weld you some 1/4" or thicker plate to your frame
we always just plate the frame with 1/4" in a couple of spots and just replace it whenever it needs it but as long as you dont get drag happy like a friend of mine it will last you awhile we have had to plate his frame like four times in about a year or so but i think he finally learned his lesson when he racked up 800+ in tickets in one stop
WOW damn thats crazy, Nah I dont wanna even think about draggin my frame, Even if plated with extra steel, Would rather a drag block or a steel block, But thanks man for the info, Always into more safety
Yea I replaced my alt with a brand new One wire GM Alt, but brand new was a dud, Never worked/charged and I dunno where the recipet is, So I have to buy another one