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Mazda Projects \  Project: ALMOST LEGAL


Mazda Projects
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dragginmazda86 (dave)   +1y
Cool well good to here you are still around. What about ROLO have you heard from him?
toddluck   +1y
bring it to my house ill get it on the front burner asap
dirtracer14   +1y
Ok guys the truck is geting worked on again. Very busy summer and fall! Just about to cut the bed and set it back on. We have most of the stuff to finish it fuel cell,batt trays,edc, still need to pick up some wheels and tires. Kyler has been working on the sterio wich kinda got out of hand. He installed all the speakers and ran all the wiring himself...did a nice job. I got 2 of the amps wired and the crossover just need to have a box built for the back. Also went with white face gauges wich turned out pretty good..kinda pain to put on. We picked up a few parts trucks this summer that had the new webber,header,clutch,starter,water pump, and belts. We should get the bed on pretty soon and then finish some clean up on the front wheel wells then pull the motor and go threw it. We are out of town right now but will post up some pics when we get home.
elbine69   +1y
Good to see your back. Lookin forward to seein updates again.
dirtracer14   +1y
Well here is some of the progress that we have made on the truck. Most of the pictures are of the stereo equipment..

Pioneer Mids
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Coustic 1" Tweets
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Orion Xtr Series 2 10" Subs
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Sony Xplode 6x9's
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Sony Xplode 6"
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Orion Xtr Series 3 12" Subs
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Orion HCCA225G4 Amp
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Deck and Gauges
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Power Switches for Amps and Switchbox
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Battery Tray
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RCI 17 Gallon Fuel Cell
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Coustic Crossover
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A/D/S p640 Amp
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Rear Lines
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White Face Gauges(KM)
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toddluck   +1y
i like the oldschool stereo equip man im still running my orion 12 DVC xtrs i had in highschool.llol. they still pound
dirtracer14   +1y
Went out and worked on the truck tonight. Got the brake line ran back through and re-attached the e-brake lines to the frame. Close to being ready to put the bed on. Still have to re-run the lines to the front bags, because we set the truck down on them about a month ago and they are pinched now. Also need to put some shocks on the rear. Bed should be put on this weekend. Heres a couple of more pictures...

Brake Line relocated
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Overall Rear
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dirtracer14   +1y
Heres the work from last night.. Cleaning up the fender wells. Small rubbing issue with the bags, got everything bolted back on. Got the wiring cleaned up a bit. Probably running the front air lines again today and putting on the brakes in the front...

Wiring Before
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Wiring After
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Passenger Side Inside
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Passenger Side Outside
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Drivers Side Inside
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Drivers Side Outside
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sparkygambler   +1y
looking good man ,anymore pics of system together?
sparkygambler   +1y
nice fuel cell too