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Mazda Projects \  Project P.I.T.A. -SOLD---no more updates.

Project P.I.T.A. -SOLD---no more updates.

Mazda Projects
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jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
Ok got my H Gasket kit, and all of the needed items for the tune up. Lets all pray it will start and run great....Keep your fingers crossed.
racer x   +1y
I hope that it goes well for you.
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
As expected but not wished for my head is friggin shot!!!! Worse than I thought...valves are toast as well. Hey BJ I sent ya a pm. Anybody else got a cheap head with valves? I have the H G Kit already so now I just need a head.
slammedyota91   +1y
Im sorry bro
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
OK.... Long overdue update. I got me a new head (thanks lofosho) and have started on replacing the valve seals and cleaning to get it together.

Also scored a set of 16" tahoe 's....exactly like SlammedYota91. $75 for the wheels $25 for the smooth centers.

And finally.... Supported The Bag Shack and ordered my front setup and my notch for the rear. I have all of next weekend to me and the truck. Hopefully I can get her laid out in the front and running.
Well keep an eye out for pics.
mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
good score on the wheels. hope everything goes well with the engine. id deffinately get it running and put a few miles on it to make sure the bugs are out of it before i start cutting up the front. you know, one hurdle at a time.
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y
OH yeah that was the plan. Running this it as a stocker. Then next weekend.....pssssttt......Well sorta at least the front only.
dropped90(justin)   +1y
oh yeh definetely one hurdle at a time. try to many things at once and you start forgetting important and costly steps like forgetting to put oil in or tending to gas lines and catching fire or something like that. great to see progress though.

mazdawg(mikey)   +1y
or get overwhelmed with soo much stuff to finish and lose interest. then you have a big ass mazda lawn ornament
jmzcustomz (jeff)   +1y

LOL... Yeah I have had those before...however they were not projects..just parts trucks or ones that I was repairing from parts trucks to flip and make a buck.

As far as losing interest....pretty doubtfull. I am constantly dreaming on having a bagged mazda ex cab. And since I am 29 and was introduced to my first mini in CA when I was like 10 or so (an old red mitsu static dropped with some bad ass 15" MTX Thunder Extremes) I live eat and breathe....well my family and work but mazdas fit in there to. Thanks for the advice though. I will always keep that in the back of my head.