Glad like you like that, lol..
I'm not sure what I'm gonna do now, lol... I'm gonna have to get some more x-members back in before I cut it out. I was thinking that I might be able to get enough clearance and get away with it by mount he shock member at the bottom of the rear of the notches... and then I'll have some yuckyness to deal with at the notches.
I'm gonna leave it alone for now until I'm really read to deal with it again.
So now, I've got the rear end by itself and the driveshaft is still on it. I made a board and then put a piece of wood at each end of it and V'ed them so the housing sits on it. Now, I took angles on the driveline and its pretty crazy!
Before I go a little into that, I want to ask how in the hell do I get the rearend to stay put? LOL! I mean now thats its pretty much by itself it moves side to side and all that good stuff. I still have the springs on.
I'm a bit lost on how to get the 4-link going because I dunno if it all has to be in its position and this and that before I start welding tabs and the crossmembers and whatnot. I'm just wondering though because in order to put my x-member in I would think that I need to find out where my links are going to sit and all...
Okay and for my driveshaft angles, with the way the rear sits right now, these are what the angles are at:
So if I'm right, this would mean that the output on the tranny is -5 and the first portion of the driveshaft is -5. The operating angle between the two would then be 0 degrees. From the 1st portion of the shaft to the second, it would also be 0 degrees. So from the 2nd portion to the 1st portion of the 2nd shaft the operating angle is -3? Then that would mean that the 2nd shaft operating angle between the 2 is -1?
So if that is all correct I can set my pinion at +1 then right? Or around there give or take a degree or so?